Monday, December 27, 2021

The Outliers

Op by Sunlit7 - This op is long and is intended to be a post for critical thinking, references to material used are listed below, if you want to see them as inserted into the article you can read the original post of the opinion piece at:

 I ended up on this topic after a discussion on a blogsite after a post on an article about the new book of Dr Scott Atlas involving his discussion on what played out between Dr. Robert Redfield and himself concerning immunity against covid.  In the article discussion there was this:

After exiting the press room, I walked alongside the president. He briefly stopped to check the news coverage on the set of TV monitors outside the briefing room, as he typically chose to do. After some banter between the president and the staff standing in the area, we began walking back toward the Oval Office.

President Trump turned to me on his right, smiling wryly but with a genuinely puzzled look on his face. “Is Redfield political or just stupid?” he asked, subtly shaking his head. I looked right back at the president and hesitated. The answer was obvious to both of us.

I took that as an opportunity to point out to people that it was obvious the president knew the scientific truth about natural herd immunity. Dr Scott Atlas after all was brought on as a scientific advisor to the president and one would have to find it rather hard to believe that on walks like those or during consultations with the president he never once broached the subject of natural herd immunity. If he did and the president knew then those unspoken words were likely Dr Atlas running cover for Trump. Well you know that didn't go down to well on a pro-Trump blog page and I felt I really couldn't honestly just assume what I said was true even though I felt it was more than likely true. I really hadn't seen or heard much from Dr Atlas during his tenure on the presidents covid task force so I set out to get a feel for who Dr Atlas was.

This was important to me moving forward. He had written a book, A Plague Upon Our House, and I really needed to know why he chose to write the book and more importantly was it political, politically driven narrative playing into the coming election processes, a game blamer, a cover for Trump or some other sincerely held reason. I spent hours watching videos over the last week or so and admit at first he was a rather hard read, in other words to get a take on the man. Lucky I am not one of those first impressions type of people as I'd walked away seeing a man apart from himself. If it hadn't been something from the beginning of that first video that prompted me to go further I would have missed some rather contradictory stuff. That aside, coming out of the whole ordeal I found myself asking that which the president asked him about Redfield, is he political or just stupid.

From the first interview done with the Epoch Times he states:

"This is an experimental vaccine. We did not have long term tallies of side effects on this vaccine. It seem to be a lot of deaths from the vaccine that are reported, I am not sure about the percentage but it's concerning as well, obviously. But we are talking about injecting children, ok? If you are seventy years old and you are taking a vaccine your life expectancy is about fifteen years. If you are a child who is ten taking an experimental vaccine, with or without boosters, you are going to be living with that vaccine for decades. We don't know the long term impacts of these vaccines. I think it's at least something to think about. It's very important to think critically here, we're in an era where the trust in experts has been damage and that's a self inflicted wound by the experts, by the politicization of science, by the censorship and the political diatribes written in scientific journals by the censorship, utube, twitter and facebook about anything that questions the prevailing narrative and what that means is that individuals are now responsible for making their own critical assessments. There's been damage on the academic side, the university professors have been unhinged in their criticism of people that have questioned and even put forward alternative life targeted protection instead of broad lockdowns and you know part of that reactions by the university professors, um, has destroyed the trust with people with credentials, we know credentials are not the magic end game here. It's being a critical thinker and the responsibility is more and more on the individual. To me it's unconscious able that a society uses it's children as shields for adults. Children do not have significant risk from this illness, our, we as society, as civilization where we are using our children, even if they did spread it, as shields. We are going to inject our children with an experimental drug that they don't have a significant benefit from to shield ourselves. My role as a parent is to protect my children, my role is not and I will never use my children as shields to somehow protect me. That's really just a heinous violation of all moral principles in my view. In terms of ethical considerations I'd have to wonder about the ethics of a human subjects committee, an institutional review board who has to approve all protocols, children under five who have extremely low risk from this disease injecting these children with drugs, I think our society has fallen remarkably low, frighteningly low, that is the level of, that we have sort of sunk to. 

As I watched how strained his facial expressions became, how deeply heartfelt he was I said to myself that this is a man who is apart from himself. In reality this may actually be the final realization of his own truth, of his own conscious coming home to roost. For as much as he's in denial of it he let himself become part of the politicization game. If you play with fire chances are you are going to get burned.

The one thing about Dr Atlas is that he loves data. He can tell you about all the excess deaths due to the lock downs, from the percentage of increases in child abuse, domestic violence, suicide, self inflicted harms, the number of people who died in India from lockdowns all the way to what shutting down the textile industry in Indonesia did to the people there and how many deaths occurred. He can quote authors of studies from both sides the pond and beyond but the one thing he seems incapable of quoting is the deaths and harms from the vaccines. And that in a nutshell kept bothering me. Video after video he can keep quoting stats off the top of his head but when it comes to the vaccines all of a sudden he's a real Sergeant Schultz, he knows nothing.

I'd call that an unreasonable expectation from a man who just wrote a book on the harms caused by the lockdowns but is blind to the harms being done by the vaccines. After all the same individuals he says are/were being harmed by lockdowns are the same people facing the greatest harms by the vaccines. He had to go back to his roots as a child to connect to those being harmed the most, the poor and minorities. For those like him and other elites who like to fly off to exotic places and rub elbows lockdowns are like being on vacation.  In every video he stays pretty consistent with his hesitancies in what he says on the vaccines, in this particular video outside of Tucker mentioning the stance taken on natural immunity and vaccines over therapeutics and Dr Atlas making a statement that Redford, Fauci and Brix were in it together, their history together stemming from their work on HIV and AIDS, with one focus mainly being a vaccine, then he quips "which should ring a bell with what's happening" as Carlson and him nod and smirk toward each other like they know something the rest of us don't. That pretty much sums up the extent to the lengths of discussion on the vaccines. What we have here is a claim of being the brightest bulb in the room stuck with a box of rocks, because he is a bulb and not a rock the rocks just call him an outlier. "This is a really hard thing to contemplate" as Dr Atlas continues, "so I'll start out saying where were they?"

This is the part where you start asking yourself is Dr Atlas stupid or is he political because in reality if you bring fifteen, twenty research papers into a meeting and no one's interested in a single one of them then it's obvious they already have the data. I don't take him for being that stupid. This is just another political end game being played here. Through out his videos he gushingly embarrasses himself when he speaks of the president. This is a dead giveaway that this is an attempted turnabout to try and lay blame where all the blame isn't due. Just as he rushed in to help the president during the lockdown debacle he's rushing in to lay the pre-exemption groundwork from the president having any responsibility of the harms caused by the lockdowns, vaccines injuries and deaths which many have speculated will come back to haunt him in a 2024 bid for the presidency.

In relative terms of the kind of honesty lacking when a person can site data from here to Timbuktu but draws a complete blank when it comes to the vaccines. This is someone who in one breath stated that he could guarantee there was no safety measures being cut during the development of the vaccines while simultaneously in the same conversation state that he has no idea what's going on with the vaccine development. He stated it's an outside group that is monitoring the clinical trial which means it's blinded and that no one in the government knows about the clinical trial as it goes on, it's impossible (the clinical trial) to be manipulated. In another video he stated to think as the clinical trial as being conducted inside a black box, no one even knows whose inside that box conducting the trial. But, as I stated, he can guarantee the American public that there is no safety measures being cut during the development of the vaccines, that only the bureaucracy is being cut, and that we have the safest drug development in the world. Never mind that it's the bureaucracy that makes it the safest.

Now I'd like to do an about face concerning the discussion between Trump and Atlas when Trump asked Atlas if Redford was stupid or is he just political. There was a conflict between Redford and Atlas on the development of natural herd immunity. Dr Redford accused Atlas of not knowing what he was talking about. The whole heated debate ended up going national news streams whereas Atlas was not only seen in a video with Trump where Trump was asked about the dispute but he pointed at Dr Atlas to give an answer to the question. Dr. Atlas, seated on the sideline told the reporter that there was no advisement on natural herd immunity being sought. During video presentations Dr Atlas had this to say in regards to questions on the dispute:

Well you know, um, first I am new to Washington. I didn't realize that complete lies could be published and then built up by other secondary publications. But frankly, eh, you know there's never been an advisement by me to the president of the United States, to anyone here, to anyone on the task force to pursue some sort of strategy of herd immunity. There's never been a strategy of the president to pursue herd immunity like Sweden or anyone else has done. And it's just completely false and I even said it was completely false but I guess the denials in Washington are irrelevant, you know, I, I don't know what to say about that but basically I can't control what other people say I can only control what I say.

Not that I think everyone needs a second paragraph on the subject but during the debate on the blog I mentioned above I made a promise I was going to burn down the comment made to me that Trump was advocating for herd immunity all along and they'd be lucky there'd be any ashes left.

Dr. Atlas: I was shocked to see the story first of all, because there is news, there's opinion and there's overt lies. That was never a strategy advocated by me or the administration, the president does not have a strategy like that. I've never advocated that strategy. So that whole discussion in the Washington post was just really sort of irresponsible to write an article like that.

So what did Mr. Data have to say in his book on the topic of natural herd immunity concerning this administration?...

One of the issues that is puzzling to say the least which is that natural immunity, it's about if we knew nothing about immunology, nothing about infectious disease. We start from scratch, we never heard of natural immunity therefore everyone must be vaccinated. That's just simply false and that's pseudoscience, it's denying science, that's misinformation, whatever the words you want to use and it's very sad as one of many examples where there is a refusal to acknowledge fundamental, you know, medical science and we have known that even in this virus there's a body of literature that shows that not only from previous infection but from this infection the immunity is broader after having recovered because, you know, you don't have to be a scientist to understand protection against all the different parts of the virus. To put it in a simplistic way, rather than the targeted part that the vaccine was developed against. And secondly it appears, like in other viruses, and even more specifically like in Sars 1 where we have in Sars 1 seventeen years of infection immunity protection against Sars 2 basically. The Sars 1 blood samples show immune reaction, a robust one to Sars 2 seventeen years later. And there's a lot of indication in the literature that Sar 2 natural immunity will be long lasting, longer lasting than the vaccine immunity and is not some thing that should be discarded, in fact it's a very fundamental part in protecting individuals as well as society.

We are suppose to believe that Dr Atlas never once, as he claimed, spoke to or advocated to the president the scientific well established facts on natural herd immunity he just described above? Now ask yourself, is he stupid or is he political. On the subject of being either stupid or political Donald Trump said on October 24, 2020 exactly this "So they brought it down now, immunity, from life to four months." That was after having caught covid himself and on October 12, 2020 he made the same exact mistake as Dr Atlas and proclaimed to the world the virtues of natural immunity, “I went through it. Now, they say I'm immune. I can feel—I feel so powerful.”

It's contradictory moments to his current messaging in his book that can leave one confused. On one hand he was brought in to represent the stand of the president while being politically not scientifically motivated on behalf of the president while on the other hand being scientifically driven to write the book. How do you balance such a delicate course of actions without having to go on an apology tour of the political not scientific alignment to the truth(s). Literally how do you save face yourself writing some of the following things:

"There's such tremendous incompetence, there's tremendous reluctance, complete really denial of contrary evidence, data and thinking. There is a lack of interest in admitting error, there's a massive ego buy in by these people, face saving, these people are on television almost everyday, they are never going to admit they were wrong. That is my prediction, never, literally never."

The one thing that we need, must have to arrive at any truth is the freedom of information. People need to be able to express the science, their interpretation of the science, the views, the policy views and the only way that we will ever have the ability to arrive at the right solution and to afford the public their role, which is to make decisions, they need to have the information. So the way this has been conducted, and it's still going on today, there is a massive amount of censorship on social media, the universities are busy censoring people and completely really not fulfilling their role of being the center of free exchange of ideas and it's been extraordinarily harmful.

There's some fundamental questions about the society that we live in that has been raised by the pandemic. One is the incredible power of the government to shut down everything indefinitely. I think that shocked everybody but the second is the acquiescent of the American people to the things that are contrary to science, that are infringing on liberties, that are illogical and not backed up by the data, it's simply done by edict and I think you know the question is what do American people do, I think you know, eh, I think we are sitting here in a society where people in charge are issuing edict after edict, they're not even required to justify the edict, they don't discuss the data part of the reason, there's no demand for it it is because of the censorship of the information from people like from me and others.

There is no intention of those in power to allow Americans to live normally, to live freely and don't even think otherwise.

In these statements we witness a broad application of blame from the start on everyone involved. Which is more than likely the whole truth to the matter. That isn't though how he starts out, this doesn't seem to explain either his gushing over the president. He seems to have some deeply held contrition for his participation but appears to want to, for whatever reason, excuse the person most responsible.

This is a tragedy and I want to make sure people understand that what was recommended, the lockdowns, was implemented through out the country and every state, and the people that recommended those lock downs are responsible for what happened, ok? These are the doctor Fauci, Dr Brix lockdowns, they were recommend by them, they were implemented at the state level and they destroyed people.

Notice what's missing in that description is the highest authority of the land, that of the United States President. A man who said on:

February 25, 2020: CDC and my administration are doing a great job of handling coronavirus.

March 6, 2020: We are really, very highly prepared for anything.

March 8, 2020: We have a perfectly coordinated and fine tuned plan at the white house for our attack on corona virus.

April 14, 2020: When somebody is the president of the United States the authority is total.

This doesn't appear to be someone whose out of the loop in the decision and planning processes or who doesn't seem to disagree with whatever plan(s) are being implemented. He's not the sole decision maker in determining what each state decides to do but how Atlas describes it above the sole blame rest on the shoulders of everyone around the president though he has total authority over them according to his own words. When I look back over a few of my own opinions I never questioned myself back then just how it was that in such a short time span, during an impeachment trial that the roll out of the distribution of food was so well organized. I actually use to brag about how well he performed as commander and chief setting up those navel bases, rolling out food across the country, how that was so well organized while the democrats were busy with their impeachment scam. With all the distractions around us I never fully stopped to listen to some of the things he said, like on February 25, 2020:

I think that's a problem that's going to go away. They have studied it. They know very much. If fact we're very close to a vaccine.

You notice he doesn't say "they're" he says "we're", so he's definitely not out of the loop on that either. Ironic to say the least, most Americans have barely had enough time to sit down after scrambling about stockpiling food and he's already announcing a potential cure. When I look back on things I started finding the timing of the impeachment trial odd also, especially after reading a article where he said the timing wasn't right yet to hand over the paperwork demanded by the democrats needed to get the process started. All that was starting right about the same time that, according to a recent release, the government signed an agreement with Moderna to make a corona virus vaccine.  According to the video they were reviewing a corona virus vaccine in December 2019. Apparently while we were all distracted by the democrats impeachment shenanigan's they were busy making a deal with a pharmaceutical company who, from the report, had never successfully brought a vaccine to market. So I guess it shouldn't come to a complete shock to anyone when on March 6, 2020 he felt completely comfortable saying this:

I like this stuff. I really get it. People are surprised I understand it. Everyone of these doctors said "how do you know so much about this?" Maybe I have a natural ability. Maybe I should have done that instead of running for president.

Or it could just be he was in the loop all along. Let's take a look at some of the things that occurred during his tenure.

-In 2017 they changed op the emergency response of the department of defense for the first time in history to include the government being able to take control of all medical supplies, durable goods and development of vaccines during a national emergency. People need a heads up that they have introduced a bill recently that pretty much does the same thing with the food supply. It will enable the government during a emergency to pay farmers, processors, retailers, food banks, etc., up to ninety percent of their cost involved in their operations if they let the government determine where the food will go, they are calling it Disaster Equity and Fairness Act. 

-In 2017 they implemented new procedures at the CDC for inventory control measures that stated no later than March of every year there had to be a report made of all available stock to ensure stock was adequate and up to date. Which would actually blow holes in the excuse that Obama left the shelves bare, someone wasn't evidently doing their job but it wasn't the last administration.

-In May of 2018 The Trump Administration disbands the White House pandemic response team.

-In July of 2019 The Centers for Disease Control (CDC) epidemiologist embedded in China’s disease control agency left the post, and the Trump Administration eliminated the role. Whoever that person was would have been a huge heads up way before China decided to announce the virus to the world.

-In October 2019 the administration was warned that currently, there are insufficient funding sources designated for the federal government to use in response to a severe influenza pandemic.

-In January 2020, right in the middle of impeachment with a virus coming ashore the Trump administration thought this a good time to commit one hundred million dollars to bring degreed foreign workers to the US on H1B1 visas.

In March 2020 The Trump administration let stand a provision in the Cares Act the reimbursement for covid treatment would only be paid for through medicare/medicaid and the taxpayers funded reimbursement fund for the uninsured if the medical providers use emergency authorized medicine and durable medical devices and gave insurers the same right of refusal to pay.

In March of 2020 Trump addressed the nation on the 15th and said the nation would enter into a fifteen day lockdown to stop the spread. By the time that fifteen days was up the United States was leading other countries in the number of covid cases. The president then went on to announce a thirty day extension of the fifteen days.

If that isn't enough to convince you that Trump was not only in the loop but in total control over what was going on here he is in an interview with Bill O'Reilly last month, yes I said last month, as in November 2021 telling Bill that Fauci had much less influence in his administration and that he pretty much did the opposite of what Fauci suggested:

O'Reilly: Why didn't you fire Fauci, everybody hates Fauci.

Trump: It pretty much didn't matter because I pretty much did the opposite of what he suggest.

O'Reilly: In hindsight you don't think you should have sacked him?, come on.

Trump: He's been there a long time and I actually got along with him quite well, call me Tony, call me Tony sir. He was a much better promoter than a doctor. He had much less influence in my administration. 

After watching that the ominous to all that has happened falls directly on Trumps shoulders. He directly admits Fauci had very little influence over him and the decisions that were made. If you watch the full interview  you'll even hear him say he doesn't believe China weaponized the virus. At about fourteen minutes in you hear him say he was one of the first to say it came from Wuhan from the lab. He then goes on to say he doesn't believe it was done deliberate though it seemed to fit China's agenda because it knocked us us out and it knocked out the rest of the world and it knocked them out also but they were able to control it, one of the worse things that happened was they kept it in Wuhan and the rest of the world but it didn't go to the rest of China for the most part so they put a wall so to speak. Which brought me back to thinking about something he said on March 15, 2020:

This is a very contagious virus. It's incredible. But it's something we have tremendous control over.

That's pretty early on to be making claims they can control a virus of course unless it's already being proven it can be controlled. There were reports early on that in the latter half of 2019 China mandated that all Chinese people needed to get vaccinated. People even speculated it may be whatever vaccine being mandated might have started the whole covid scenario. Regardless it does add a bit of legitimacy to some claims that we are dealing with different types of vaccines or that the vaccines are what's causing the variants. That wouldn't explain the articles put out that Chinese scientist went into bat caves and sprayed nor the allegations being put forth that the Chinese sprayed military personnel with covid at the military fames in Wuhan in 2019.  That was a second article on the matter. The day the second one referenced was released Tucker Carlson ran a episode where, and I find this rather ironic as it would fall about the same time frame of the next US presidential election, the guy said it won't be determined conclusively for another year or two that the virus came about because of a fail vaccination attempt on the Chinese people to shield them from the biological weapon they were going to release on the world. (Dec. 15, 2021 episode 35:00 mins. in)  Which one is it and who do you believe? I don't know but I am more inclined to believe the statement given at the end of the first article on air transmission which stated:

There is still much we do not know about the origin of COVID-19, largely due to a cover-up operation led by the CCP and facilitated by members of the Western scientific community, some U.S. government officials and a compliant media. One could argue that they are all co-conspirators in “Opportunistic Bioterrorism.” 

There's some plausibility that I can believe in. Given the words of then president Trump that China managed to build a wall around it whereas it mainly affected Wuhan and the rest of the world and his statement that they could control the virus that plausibility gets even closer to reality of what we see going on.

Through out Dr Atlas talk show circuit he repeatedly claims we must become critical thinkers, that it's up to us to take information and think critically about it because they aren't going to admit to any wrong doing never, literally never. As a critical thinker I do think there may be something to vaccinated people spreading the virus then on the other hand air transmissibility makes more logical sense. Four or five individuals depending upon what report you read travel to Botswana and get detected carrying this new variant and now it's spread all over the world in about two weeks time. Honestly ask yourself exactly how that happens in such a short period of time. Sort of brings you back to how the virus jumped across a continent from China and straight into Italy, the country with the highest population of elderly in the world. Sort of how this past spring Florida seemed to be doing alright until the governor refused to kneel to the overlords then suddenly the state was literally smothered in the delta variant. They could, if you are critically thinking, absolutely control the flow depending upon a number of qualifiers. Like low vaccination rates, low booster rates, not enough deaths in area's with high population of the elderly, which whom are going to be extremely problematic to the world economy by 2030, area's with high rates of drug addicted homeless. Remember according to Dr Atlas they were never interested in his data and it could just be they had their own set of data they were following. As the data rolled in on vaccination rates, deaths, etc., they could weigh that off the data they had established and warrant which area's needed to be hit again to try and compel compliance or to meet predetermined specific goals, like lowering the population rate of the elderly or the homeless as an example. Ask yourself for example how it came to be that California took decades old most opioid death title away from West Virginia. Could it have something to do with California deciding to put drug addicts up in hotels isolating them away from people who'd otherwise be there to administer Narcan or call for emergency assistance. There were articles that they would actually deliver the drugs to the addicts. I know it sounds sinister but look around the world and there is sinister stuff going on all around the world that has never happened before. Think about the timing of the pull out from Afghanistan and the Mexican drug lords hauling drugs over the border openly. Perfect excuse for why heroin dried up and drug addicts were forced into use of more deadly synthetic drugs, maybe even delivered straight to their hotel rooms. It is not beyond belief that these are or were carefully calculated and carried out plans. The fact that omicron appeared right before the holidays gatherings seems to further cement that we are looking at carefully crafted and well thought out processes of elimination.

Another reason I am inclined not to dispel the use of air transmission is the fact how fast Fox News ran a counter narrative once the air transmission report came out. We are after all looking at a cable news channel that runs episode interviews with professionals saying children don't need to be vaccinated while running commercials after those episodes of children to get your child vaccinated. They no sooner run an episode on no mandates then run a commercial for a company who'll help companies set up and send into a government data base the information to ensure that all employees are meeting government regulations on vaccination and testing. How's that for a big slap in your face. The company whose host deny Fox News is requiring them to get vaccinated or tested but emails released by employees say differently. This is how you know there's probably more truth in the matter than not.

Further evidence that they had their own data set that would control the ebb and flow of the virus is in something the president said on April 22, 2020:

If (corona virus) comes back though it won't be coming back in the form that it was, it will be coming back in smaller doses that we can's also possible it doesn't come back at all.

Evidently he must have had a crystal ball. What we saw after the initial videos coming out of China of people crammed into hospitals, falling on the ground dead, bodies piled up on sidewalks alongside buildings that could be indicative of a mass spraying event were men in contamination suits walking every square inch of Wuhan and disinfecting it. Why would they feel compelled to spray entire walls of buildings, every road, sidewalk, shrub and grass unless you thought every inch was contaminated with virus. We saw the same thing carried out in the subway system of New York whereas now, still in a pandemic, we hear reports of a filthy subway systems overtaken by the homeless. We no longer see the same mitigation efforts to keep variants at bay except demands which infringes on our own bodies and personal liberties. Once the initial dust settled so to speak, they could, as the data came in fine tune and control the virus in areas they felt needed additional "doses" of spread dependent upon the population data and their expected number of deaths. They, in essence, didn't need Scott Atlas's data. They could, if so desired, use the threat of the virus to bring compliance of their demands, this may be why we see so little being done by officials to protect our liberties. Few may proclaim give me liberty or give me death but others may not be conscientiously able to handle the deaths. It surely makes you wonder why we see so many in the utter denial of sound based science, it's either insanity at it's finest, they are being paid off, or there's a bigger threat.

When Trump says he likes this stuff, that he really gets it he means it. Similar to how, in his own words he said he understood it better than anybody what could happen on January 6th. He knew there was a potential of harm or even death yet he decided to move forward with the event despite being denied tax payer funded security for his event. If you ever have happened to catch him prior to being elected on Bill O'Reilly he has a distain for what he considers the trash of the world. I am sure if he could have found a way to inject them with a dose of bleach for a "cleaning" he would have but amongst the hype of that statement most would have been lost upon the truth of the statement he made the next day. It's one of those they say I could stand in the middle of fifth avenue and shoot someone and not lose any voters moments.

April 24, 2020 So suppose we hit the body with a tremendous, whether it's ultra violet or just a very powerful light, and I think you said that hasn't been checked out but you're going to test it. I said supposing it brought the light inside the body which you can do either through the skin or some other way.

You really have to be akin to the German scientist looking at slide presentations of people who have died after a covid shot to even comprehend how much he really understood it. This is a real New York moment for him, he not only understands it but he understands it better than anybody, once again I should add, that proceeding it could harm or kill people. If the scientist have to test it then it's he not them who came up with it. What these German scientist are finding is damages being done by the graphene oxide or other metallic in the vaccine, which if hit by high intensity lights or magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) could result in death. It was so pervasive in the images they were looking at they advised until they find out what's going on people who have been vaccinated should not get a MRI. Heat, for those who look it up, can also have a prevailing effect on graphene oxide and it's movement.

It's rather masterful when you think about it, especially in regards to helpless seniors in nursing homes. They will continue to get repeated jabs. When they aren't feeling well and a doctor can't figure out why they send them in for some imaging. When they die, and others for that matter, they don't die as a result of covid. With doctors refusing to report adverse events to the vaccine and the complete shut down of anything negative on the vaccines it becomes a master tool for elimination. Consider also that the government has complete control over the vaccines whereas vendors are required to place the orders with the government then the government contacts the company to send out the orders, it's within the realm of possibilities that nursing homes are sent "special" orders. Sort of how homeless people are "delivered" drugs in their hotel rooms, room, board and drugs compliments of the government. The end result thirty thousand additional drug overdoses in the last year, a historic high. Same with seniors, with all the safety precautions that have gone into place and the high amount of seniors vaccinated why are seniors still dying at record numbers compared to other vaccinated people.

Same as with the pull out of Afghanistan drying up the heroine market and an open border policy that has seen the Mexican cartel have unfettered access to import deadly synthetic drugs you make a vaccine out of the same spike protein in virus that from all appearances was genetically designed to go after the two most prominent disease's worldwide, heart disease and diabetes. If you go back over things Trump has said it has several of those New York time squares moments, not only does he think he can get away with killing people apparently he thinks he can tell you he is and people are to ignorant to figure it out. When speaking on the vaccines distribution he specifically makes mention that elderly with heart and diabetes will be their main focus.

We're focused on high high risk but also focused on general public very much but immediate aim is elderly people and especially elderly people with heart and diabetes problems.

In the same video he can be seen saying:

The vaccine going to be very powerful, it's going to solve a tremendous problem, it's going to be very powerful.

Exactly what have we seen from this very powerful vaccine? More deaths than before we had a vaccine. When confront with this fact by Candance Owens of Fox News the other day Trump told her the vaccines are not causing death despite the fact that vaccines injury reporting system has seen historic amounts of reports, more so than all vaccine reported injuries and death of all vaccines combined over the decades. At a recent event held by Trump and Bill O'Reilly when they mention the booster shot people in the audience started booing. Trump immediately told them "don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, no, no, no, no, no. He then went on to tell them the vaccine has been the great achievement in decades right before he blew them off as being a small crowd over there in the corner, as in their opinion being insignificant in the overall opinion of the matter. Again though if we go over what Trump has said prior this was the plan all along:

The safety has to be one hundred percent and we're going to insist on that and the companies are going to insist on that also.

The shut down on information of the vaccines effectiveness is the only way you can produce a vaccine with one hundred percent effectiveness. It's the only logical response to the quote because there has never once been produced anywhere in the world a medicine let along a vaccine that has a one hundred percent safety record. You can only attain that by denying medical and scientific facts. That's exactly what we seeing going on, a complete shut down of the facts. The utter complete denial of the science as Dr Scott Atlas puts it.

In this chain of orchestrated events this is exactly where Scott Atlas comes into play again. If you follow closely some of Trumps remarks you will see the chain of events that precipitates Atlas entries. The lockdowns they knew all along were pro-contagious, they needed the virus to spread causing death to justify the need for the bioweapon that will slowly but systematically continue to take care of the tremendous problem. Enclosed environments spreads viruses faster, thus the need for the lockdown.

May 3, 2020, Trump: Look we're going to lose anywhere from 75,000, 80,000 to 100,000 people.

May 5, 2020, Trump: I always felt 60, 65, 70, horrible as that is. I mean we're talking about filling up Yankee Stadium with death! So I thought it was horrible. But its probably going to be somewhat higher than that.

May 11, 2020 the US death toll reaches 80,000.

May 11, 2020, Trump: We have met the moment and we have prevailed.

May 11, 2020, Trump: Coronavirus numbers looking much better, going down almost every day. Big progress being made.

Obviously meeting the moment and prevailing had nothing to do with cases going down but the fact they had prevailed at what he felt would be the number of projected deaths because on May 15, 2020 Trump announces the fifteen days to stop the spread. Here's another clue to the entry point that would be that of Dr Atlas. When extending the lockdown another thirty days Trump said they were talking about locking down till July, maybe August. That was the exact entry time of Scott Atlas. The backlash of the lockdowns was severe, between the time they were announced and Atlas entry it would be a dog and pony show of media hype and deflections to try and quell the anger of not only the masses but the financial sector of the country. The cure cannot be worse than the disease became the mantra.

By mid July Trump was summoning Scott Atlas to the white house to ask him to join his task force. It would be this phase of the operation that would lead to the conditioning process that lockdowns were deadlier than the disease. This was vital in the over all planning process because once the vaccines didn't lower the death rate they'd have to have something else that would explain away the continuing death. They couldn't just all of a sudden come out with it's the lockdowns fault so it slowly became part of the preconditioning process, sort of like the conditioning process that the vaccines were going to be distributed free compelling an atmosphere of being done out of compassion as they mainstreamed the vaccines behind people's backs. It took weeks to deprogram people by proving it to them before they stopped countering back with they are free. They are free to you I'd tell them, not the government provided insurance or insurers.

As Atlas paraded around laying the preconditioning ground work Trump would further go on to say during Atlas tenure what phenomenal job they had done when the death rate hit two hundred thousand people. When doing such he can't help but throw in another one of those New York moments:

Sept 21, 2020, Trump: We're rounding the corner, with or without a vaccine. They hate when I say that but that's the way it is. We've done a phenomenal job. Not just a good job but a phenomenal job.

What they hate is that even though people are gullible enough to believe him he don't have to rub it in their faces. I mean it's pretty clear what he's saying there. You have to have a stated or predicted goal of something to be rounding the corner, the fact they consider the release of the virus alone as having provided a phenomenal job speaks volumes upon the intent. The fact he runs a subliminal rub in the face about it speaks volumes about the character of the individual we are dealing with. It reminds me of the rumor he was in the white house laughing during the capitol upheaval, he wasn't laughing because congress was getting it's upcommance he was laughing because, in his own words, he knew better than anybody what was going to happen. He relishes in his own deceptiveness.

Sept 23, 2020, Trump: I think we're rounding the turn very much.

Oct 15, 2020, Trump: Excess mortality, we're a winner on the excess mortality. And what we've done has been amazing and we have done an amazing job and it's rounding the corner and we have a vaccine coming and we have the therapies coming.

The vaccines foisted upon the American people under the guise of creating a herd immunity, another false premise to the gullible masses. He doesn't blame Fauci, Brix or any other members of the task force, he always uses the word "we're" then when the death toll reaches two hundred thousand he reverts back to accusing China who he actually thanked at the beginning of all this.

Oct 12, 2020, Trump: It's Chinas fault, they allowed this to happen.

Jan 24, 2020, Trump: China has been working very hard to contain the Coronavirus. The United States greatly appreciates their efforts and transparency. It will all work out well. In particular, on behalf of the American People, I want to thank President Xi!

Trump was even gullible enough to tell people he wasn't going to be in the white house after November 3, 2020 but among all the media hype it gets lost on people.

Oct 24, 2020, Trump: Turn on television, covid, covid, covid, covid, covid. A plane goes down, five hundred pleople dead, they don't talk about it - covid, covid, covid, covid. By the way on November 4th you won't hear about it it anymore.

Oct 26, 2020, Trump: Cases up because we test, test, test. A fake news media conspiracy. Many young people heal very fast, 99.9%. Corrupt media conspiracy at all time high. On November 4th the topic will change. Vote.

Oct 27, 2020, Trump: November 4th, on November 4th you'll hear "it's getting better, it's getting better". You watch. No, no they're doing heavy covid because they want to scare people and people get it.

Oct 28, 2020, Trump: Covid, covid, covid is the unified chant of the fake news lamestream media. They will talk about nothing else until November 4th when the election will be hopefully over. Then the talk will be how low the death rate is, plenty of hospital rooms and many tests of young people.

People don't say "by the way" unless they think they know something someone else doesn't know. None of what he said could become a reality unless he knew he wasn't slanted to be in the white house after November 4th, the media have never worked that way for Trump, they'd never let up if he'd been re-elected. Seriously think about the more than doubling of the death toll since the release of his big beautiful vaccines and you don't think they'd been on him about it? Relentlessly couldn't even begin to describe it.

Dr. Atlas book is a precursor of things to come, a justifiable means to an end. It has to be because there is no compelling argument to be made that the deaths we are seeing are a direct cause of the lockdowns. That people lock downed couldn't see a doctor for cancer screenings or heart problems that was months ago. If you died in the last year due to any of those problems as he suggest than early detection that saves lives would, for the vast majority of those individuals, have come to late. They'd already been to far gone to save. It would be the normal course of deaths and not the excess mortality rate we are seeing now related to heart and cancer deaths. There are reports in relation to emergency response times but that comes as a direct result of the manufactured crisis we find ourselves.

Atlas never appears to criticize former president Trump despite Trumps insistence he liked Fauci, never let him influence his decisions and always used the terms "we" and "we're" when talking about decision making processes and making it clear it was his authority that was total. The fact that he can site data on the lockdowns from all over the world as I mentioned before but fails in the same manner to produce any data on the vaccines, plus despite his attempts to distance himself from the political wrangling's of Washington, his book is as much political as his stint in Washington and served as a precursor to Trump entering back into the political arena with his tours with Bill O'Reilly. These are all preconditioning measures to transition the vaccines away from fault. The book is filled with all the hyped up drama of accusations with the occasional tug at people's emotional compacities leaving them confused enough to believe it's being done out of compassion.

This is vital in another attempt at the presidency as by 2024 there won't be many people left who hasn't lost a loved one, friend or acquaintance after a vaccine. My personal opinion is, at least in the current stature of the vaccines, that Trump isn't coming back, I don't think four years is going to get them where they intent to be in terms of deaths. The only way to explain his way out of it is to have someone else to blame. Even if the government can't mandate vaccines states and employers still can and his base would expect him to find ways to put an end to it. That just isn't the objective. I think they'll find something that either keeps him from running again or run someone against him that people can reasonable accept the election wasn't "stolen" again.

People just cannot comprehend that, as Trump is often quoted as saying, the vaccines were brought in to do a specific job that Trump was brought in to do a specific job. His job wasn't just the introduction of the vaccines but to draw out all those who'd be objectionable to the globalist agenda. To locate, control and manage the conservative base and those who'd chose to back them over the democratic base, this, when you, as Scott Atlas would say, critically think about, it was the final piece of their missing data to implement their plan, who would all these people be and where are the vast majority of them located. To draw them out they would need someone with a stars status, a politician just wasn't going to hit it.

Why Trump? Well he says they say he could shoot someone in times square and not lose any supporters but it could also come from something that Trump once quoted to Bill O'Reilly when O'Reilly asked him why Obama or Bush never got tough on China. Trump takes his hands and frames them around his face and says:

March 31, 2011, Trump: They don't have the capacity to do it. Maybe they're not smart enough. Maybe they're not tough enough, maybe they don't have the right ingredient to do it.

Given the circumstances we find ourselves in that is deserving of some critical thinking.

Resources used for this article are listed below, use https before and google them. I watched hours of videos some of which I included and others I used as reference talking points. Dr. Scott Atlas: Adults 'Using Children as Shields' by Giving Experimental Vaccines | CLIP America's COVID-19 Debacle: "A Plague Upon Our House" | Scott W. Atlas, M.D., Interviewed Dr. Scott Atlas: California's lockdowns caused a tremendous amount of harm Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis and Dr. Scott Atlas hold coronavirus briefing Trump’s medical adviser Dr Scott Atlas lied about his views on herd immunity! Wait till end of video Youtube: One America News Network - Dan Ball W/ Advisor For Health Care Policy & White House Coronavirus Task Force, Dr.Scott Atlas A Conversation with Dr. Scott Atlas Trump contradicts his CDC director over masks, vaccine timeline