Tuesday, December 14, 2021

Seriously good advice to get through Christmas with your family


Need some good advice to get through Christmas with your family and relatives? Well, here's some very good advice that will help make this holiday tolerable and will help you come out with your sanity intact (or mostly intact):

1, Be careful who you invite. Yeah yeah, 'family matters'. But does that still apply to relatives who love to start political arguments for the sake of judging you? So, you got any liberals in your family that will no doubt try to make your day a living hell? Tell them to leave their offensive views at the door, or don't bother coming!

2, Keep that Christmas music handy! Hearing an argument that is getting out of hand? Or someone seriously annoying you? Then drown them out with loud Christmas music! Nothing ends those dumb fights faster then 'Jingle Bells' blaring off the radio. (Or any song for that matter).

3, Don't overdo it on the cooking. Is there really a need to spend all day making all this food that will more then likely won't be eaten half way through? Make food that you know people will eat all or most of the way. Or just order out for pizza.

4, Have fun! We invite our family to come together so we can have fun, not to make each miserable with trying to judge everyone for their life choices. (Though, if you want to make an exception to this to relatives who still foolishly listen to the fake news and want to tell you that you're going to get everyone killed if you don't follow the CDC's lying guidelines, go right ahead! Clowns like that deserve to be taken down a few notches.)

5, Have A Charlie Brown Christmas handy. It's 1 of the best holiday Tv specials there is. Everyone should watch it every year! And who knows, it might even get your feuding relatives to shut up for a bit.

And the most important advice of all:

Don't let the government dictate how you spend Christmas and New Year's!!!!

We've never let the government control how we spend the end of the year, and there's no need to allow them to now! Let everyone who's coming to your house know that you're not going to allow any of that junky 'social distancing' crap, or useless face coverings, or those stupid 'cards'!! And if they object, tell them to stay home!! Same applies to New Year's Eve parties.

Hope you find all this helpful. Enjoy your parties!! :)