Sunday, December 26, 2021

New Videos Capture Pennsylvania Officials Hiding Evidence Of Alleged Election Fraud

Pennsylvania county election officials were caught on tape 
plotting to hide alleged violations of state election law.

New whistleblower videos capture Delaware County, Pennsylvania officials plotting to recreate missing election data from the November 2020 contest, with one official later bragging that the local Democrat district attorney “owes him.” These recordings represent the latest evidence of the alleged fraud officials in the Pennsylvania county undertook to hide widespread violations of the state’s election laws, according to a source familiar with the recordings.

Whistleblower Regina Miller, who worked as a contract employee for Delaware County, secretly recorded the behind-the-scenes videos of election officials after witnessing concerning conduct, according to sources with knowledge of a fraud lawsuit filed last month against county election officials, based in part on the recordings. That lawsuit alleged county election officials destroyed election data in response to a May 21, 2021 Right to Know Request filed with Delaware County that requested the final certified return sheets from the Nov. 3, 2020 general election for all Delaware County precincts, as well as the tapes from the voting machines. 

While earlier videos captured Delaware County officials destroyingelection material or blocking out “derogatory” information in the copies made in response to the Right to Know Request, the latest video captures two election officials discussing putting in “blank” V-drives, which are the thumb drives that record the results from election machines, to recreate the election results reported by the county.

In one video, James Savage, who served as the chief custodian and voting machine warehouse supervisor for the Delaware County Voting Machine Department during the November 2020 election, is seen talking with another election official who is blocked from the camera’s view.

The duo are discussing the Right to Know Request, according to a source with knowledge on the matter, with Savage inquiring on “recreating data.” The individual off-camera chimes in with his suggested approach that would entail recreating results for “these jokers,” and “then create another set for the next set of jokers” — an apparent reference to the individuals who filed the Right-to-Know request — “but we cut it up and then we create a permanent record,” he explains.

“Here you go, here you go,” the election official is heard saying, mimicking what they could say as they provide the “jokers” the supposedly official election-data documentation. The unseen individual then continues, “We scan those cut, copied sheets in.”

“The first part has a lot of work, but it might save us work in the long run, if it’s gonna be a drip, drip, drip,” Savage is seen saying. The two then talk more about the process with Savage asking about whether they are talking about going to every machine and putting in a clean V-drive. The off-camera election worker appears to concur with that approach.

I sought comment from the attorney who represents Savage in a defamation action the Delaware County official filed against two local poll watchers, as well as Trump and his legal team. Savage, who had filed his lawsuit before news broke that a whistleblower had recorded closed-door conversations, did not answer whether he intended to continue with that defamation claim nor why was there a need to recreate election data.

Savage’s attorney did not respond to requests for comment.

Savage was previously seen on tape talking with an individual identified by people familiar with the litigation as James Allen, the director of election operations for Delaware County. In that video, Allen is heard telling Savage, “Then get rid of the pads and the second scanners.”

“We can’t talk about it anymore,” Savage replies, with Allen questioning, “Why?”

“It’s a felony,” Savage states.

The fraud complaint filed against the Delaware County officials addedthat, after declaring “it’s a felony,” Savage then allegedly “encouraged a private conversation to continue the conversation of the removal of the pads and scanners due to other Delaware County employees and [contract employee] Regina Miller,” who was present.

Savage stars in two additional short video clips I obtained, in which he brags that the local district attorney “owes” him because he had previously run elections from the other side.

“I was the vice-chair of the Democratic Party,” Savage is heard saying. “I was like Jack’s progressive shield, he held me up” — an apparent reference to Delaware County D.A. Jack Stollsteimer. Savage also explains he served as Jack’s “buffer.”

The videos featuring Savage are particularly concerning because the Delaware County Return Board, in transmitting its report to the Delaware County Board of Election, singled out Savage and his staff for “his guidance and help,” in the Return Board’s November 2020 reconciliation project. Also troubling was the Return Board’s inability to reconcile the election results for 79 precincts within Delaware County, including issues with some precincts that involved inconsistencies between the list of voters and the county return sheets, with the Return Board referring those precincts to Delaware County D.A. Stollsteimer.

Stollsteimer did not return a request for comment on Savage’s claim that Stollsteimer “owed” him. Also unanswered were The Federalist’s questions concerning whether the D.A.’s office has opened any investigation into the evidence seen on the whistleblower’s tapes.