Thursday, December 30, 2021

Netherlands Announces Plan To Give People Up to Six Doses of COVID Vaccine


Hugo de Jonge, health minister of The Netherlands, has indicated the country could be preparing another three coronavirus booster vaccines.

De Jonge wrote a letter to his country's parliament Wednesday suggesting the Netherlands should consider additional rounds of booster vaccines to fight new variants, with two of these in 2022 and another shot in 2023.  

The letter also said that the Netherlands has enough booster vaccines for its current booster campaign.  

In the letter, De Jonge wrote: "Certainly because only half of a regular vaccine is needed for a booster dose of Moderna, we now have sufficient vaccines for the current booster campaign and there is ample basis for possible extra booster rounds in the second quarter and the autumn of 2022 and in 2023.

The Netherlands has bought vaccine stock in bulk in order to avoid shortages.

The country has ordered nearly 6 million additional vaccines alongside the 12 million already bought from Pfizer/Biontech.

There is already an agreement in place with Pfizer/Biontech for at least another 17.5 million doses before 2023. It is unclear who will be eligible for these booster coronavirus vaccine shots in 2022 and 2023.