Friday, December 31, 2021

Looking back at 2021


It's been quite an eventful year! Figured this was worth a look back. I'll also provide my own Best and Worst stuff.

Back when this year started, I wasn't really in a peaceful place. I was still stuck only going to 1 place a week and renting out library materials through a window because my state was still stuck with a useless face diaper mandate. And, I needed deeper answers to what was going on at that time. Especially with all that was going to happen.

In the next 6 months, I found more places to talk on, started improving my writing, and basically tried to hold my mentality together.

Then in June, a living miracle occurred: The useless face diaper mandate was finally lifted in my state, and I could finally get my outside life back! I went back to church, I started going places with my parents again, I could go back to getting library materials the way that I used to get them, things finally felt normal again.

Today, I still have my outside life. I still go to church each week (Even got to go to church on Christmas!), and I still go out to places if I want to. The library that I go to? Well, they went back to falling for the stupidity back in August, and I'm not going back until they stop listening to said stupidity. Which is just fine with me.


Generally, I thought this whole year would be so much different very early on. But, sometimes it takes seeing how bad things can possibly get to wake people up.

Think about it. If things this year didn't get so hectic, would anyone really be motivated to fight back?

Now, all over this country and all over the world, people are fighting back in huge numbers, and they are winning!

The Deep State is done. Nothing any of the actors can do can save them from paying a very heavy price for their crimes.

2022 is going to be an incredible year, I can feel it, I can see it, just sit back and continue to enjoy the end of the Democratic party and all the other evil doers!


My Best and Worst of 2021:

The Best:

Getting my outside life back and still having it today!

Getting to post articles on this site and 3 others.

Getting to mod on 4 sites now

This, whole, scene and a half of NCIS LA's Season 12 finale:

Having a huge brain for writing

GAC Family being what Hallmark has meant to me for so many years

The Worst:

The occasional depression bout. Feels like they come on easier then before. (Though, when I do have one, it's usually me mourning my favorite show and how bad it's become)

NCIS LA continuing to go more downhill then ever

The new NCIS show being a huge disappointment. Getting to look forward to a new NCIS show sounded like a once in a lifetime opportunity for me. It's a franchise that I love. Plus, the possibility of crossovers with NCIS LA? I was sold. Then the show started. and guess what it's big 'claim to fame' is: Having a gay couple kiss in the pilot and keeping said couple around! What a huge disappointment. This is not what an NCIS show is supposed to be. And while the team leader herself may have some Hetty like vibes, and might have even been trained by Hetty herself way back when, she's not really that great. Also, the 'first female in charge of a unit' junk is such hogwash. There's been female leaders in the NCIS franchise before, don't act like she's so 'ground breaking'.

Hallmark continuing it's woke agenda with the worst Christmas movie roster I've ever seen, and with the most bland looking movie trailers ever for the holiday season. They're going to have to learn a tough lesson in 2022 of what happens when you try to go woke.

And the absolute worst of the worst of this year:

Sure, I was betrayed by a couple of former friends who called themselves my friends for most of this year before this happened, but this is the absolute worst betrayal for so many reasons:

1, This proved that there never was a real plan to bring Hetty back for more then the once a Season 'comeback'

2, This made every press tibit that I read before this Season premiere that concerned 'more Hetty' a huge lie

3, This full on destroyed 3 years of hoping and dreaming of seeing more of Hetty, Hopes and Dreams that came to be because of 1 scary incident that happened right before Season 10 was to start filming!

4, This essentially laughed in the faces of every Hetty fan and every real fan of NCIS LA that still remembers how amazing this show used to be.

5, This unfairly reduced literally the greatest actress this show has, who is also the only thing that's keeping this show alive, to a reduced role, when she's been such an important role since this show began. And they shoved a cranky 'retired' admiral in her place who has no business running a team. (And the parts that make zero sense: She's still in the opening theme music next to the admiral, AND her name is still under 'Series Regular' in CBS's episode press releases!!!!! HOW, DOES, THIS, MAKE, ANY, SENSE???!!!!)

And the absolute worst part:

6, There's no explanation for all of this. Nothing from the cast, or the producers, or the writers. They just want to pretend that all of this is 'normal' and that they are filming 'the best that they've done of this show'. All while:

Giving the 'checking off useless boxes' newbies a lot more screen time and attention then the other regulars, and giving them unfair treatment

Making the most popular couple on the show super annoying with their 'trying to have a family' woes

Pretending Hetty has just 'gone off on another mission' while providing no info or answers to what she's doing

And plenty of other writing errors.

I never thought I'd actually consider skipping episodes of this show and watching via live Tweets, but I felt I had to after this betrayal. Haven't watched a single episode live since the betrayal of a premiere. And as predictably as it gets: The episodes since have been terrible.

What a terrible downfall for what was the best of the NCIS franchise.


Wrapping this up, I would like to thank the whole team here at this amazing site for letting me post all this great stuff for the last 4 months. It's been an amazing experience, and I'm looking forward to posting more great stuff in the New Year!

Enjoy your celebrations!

Maria (TUF)