Friday, December 17, 2021

Joe Biden Keeps Telling Massive Lie About the Vaccinated, and White House Has No Good Answer for It

Sister Toldjah reporting for RedState

We reported yesterday on an “interview” President Biden did with Ohio TV news station WHIO where he proceeded to lie his head off on how the so-called “Build Back Better” bill won’t “cost a single solitary penny” (which the CBO says is false). At another point he actually laughed when the reporter asked if he had any reassurances for parents worried about supply chain issues at Christmas time, chuckling that it was going to “cost Santa some money” this year.

But one very concerning comment Biden made came while talking about his dictatorial coronavirus vaccine mandates and the various lawsuits that have been filed to stop them.

“Everybody talks about freedom about not to have a shot or have a test,” he stated. “Well, guess what? How about patriotism? How about you make sure you’re vaccinated, so you do not spread the disease to anyone else.”

For those who missed the remarks, watch below:

It’s just a lie, an outright lie, and people who don’t believe me can check the CDC website if they’re so inclined.

Unfortunately, it’s one he’s told many times before, going back to at least July when he said during a CNN town hall that “You’re not gonna get COVID if you get vaccinated.” He made similar comments in October during a speech, telling the crowd that “We’re making sure healthcare workers are vaccinated because if you seek care at a healthcare facility, you should have the certainty that the people providing that care are protected from COVID and cannot spread it to you.”

Today during the White House press briefing, Fox News reporter Peter Doocy asked deputy press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre about Biden’s comments. She had no good answer. Instead, she said something about needing to see the remarks “in full context” before defaulting to the stock we “listen to the science” argument:

Doocy: “In a local interview on Tuesday, he said, “How about making sure you’re vaccinated so you do not spread the disease to anybody else?” The CDC says people who get vaccine breakthrough infections can be contagious.”

Jean-Pierre: “Well, I’ll say this: I — I didn’t hear this interview so I would have to see it in its full context. What I know and what the President believes is that we have to listen to the science. We have to listen to our public health officials. And that’s what the President believes.”


The problem here is that Biden repeatedly ignores “the science” when he says stuff like this and quite frankly I’m starting to think that this is not an infamous Biden “flub” but instead a deliberate attempt to mislead people and lull them into a false sense of security by falsely claiming you can’t catch nor spread the virus if you get the vaccine.

As I’ve said before, in my personal opinion, people should not let what politicians say unduly influence their medical decisions, but it’s a reality that many do. There are no doubt people who have listened to Biden’s statements or read about them later in the news and thought that if they get the vaccine they are immune to the virus and that if they go to the doctor or hospital that a vaccinated healthcare worker couldn’t transmit COVID to them.

Biden is blatantly spreading misinformation about being vaccinated, while so-called “fact-checkers” who normally jump all over Republicans and conservative news sites like this one for having the nerve to spout some inconvenient truths are too busy being obsessed about the Capitol riot to care, apparently.

I’m so sick and tired of these people dictating to others in trying to control what they say and their personal health decisions. So tired of it.

Related: The Next Head-Shaking ‘First’ for Joe Biden Has Just Been Revealed