Monday, December 27, 2021

Fauci Admits Vaccine Requirement for Airline Travel Only Beneficial to Get More People Vaccinated, No Scientific Benefit

Trust the science they say…. and then, accidentally, the “scientists” admit that what they are doing under the guise of public health has absolutely nothing to do with science.

Anthony Fauci appears today on ABC This Week to push the vaccine narrative.  When asked about a vaccine passport requirement for airline travel, Facui admits openly the only reason for a vaccine mandate is to force people to get the vaccine.  There is no other benefit for the mandate other than to force people to get the vaccine.

The vaccine doesn’t stop infection.  The vaccine doesn’t stop the spread of infection.  The vaccine has no value from the position of decreasing the spread of a COVID-19 virus or any variant therein.  The value of the vaccine is in getting people to take the vaccine.  It sounds goofy, but that’s exactly what Dr. Anthony Fauci admits in this interview.  Watch at 09:10 prompted.

Once again, it seems the vaccine requirements overall are just a tool to create a system for the Vaccine Passport.  The passport is then a simple tracking mechanism to identify the movements of all the people being forced to show it.   The Vaccine Passport is essentially the gateway to a digital id system.

Even with everything that has happened in this Overton window of the past two years, it is still stunning to me how many people now accept the reality of their papers being demanded to move around and live life.  The axiom of “papers please” used to trigger a common American aversion.  Now, there are millions of people who just comply as if they cannot see what lies at the end of this acceptance.

It is worth remembering Bret Hamachek’s thesis:

Not every society that has experienced the various forms of despotism has faced the same internal structure. America’s movement toward a totalitarian state is unique (some Western European countries have similarities but not enough to be considered parallels) because of its having so recently occupied the position of being the world’s leading country both in terms of individual rights and free market capitalism. The structure we find ourselves in now is a function of the structure that we built and are now leaving.

Consider a series of concentric circles. Here is a quick list of our current American model. The placement of these circles is not going to change for quite some time. The only alteration will be seen in their relative size and in their increasing “rigidness.”

Those who are opposed to the tyranny are in the outermost circle and the farthest removed from the power structure.

At the core, we have government. It is the government, and only the government, that has the power both to set actual law and to enforce the law through criminal penalty. That places them at the power center. However, in today’s America, it is only their enforcement capability that earns them that spot. In today’s America, the second circle, that of institutions, is the one truly steering government and setting its goals and objectives for managing the lives of others.

The circle of large institutional partners are those players who are both large enough and wealthy enough to guarantee their influence. They are also players where their leaders (board members, C-suite members, public faces, etc.) are united in the desire to suppress both individual liberty and free market capitalism (more on that seeming contradiction later).

Members of this institutional circle, which if drawn to scale would be quite large, include:

• Big tech companies

• Other large publicly traded companies, especially commercial banks

• Primary and secondary education units

• Colleges and universities

• Large media organizations

• Entertainment industry

These institutional groups are playing a significant role in reducing freedom. There is nothing about this that is new, just accelerated. For example, the attack on individuals versus the collectivem and the assault on capitalism on college campuses has been under way since the 1960s. The media’s hostility to the same ideas lagged behind universities as the educational system that produced them needed them to enter the workforce and take control of the various corporate and institutional cultures. This is true of other large companies and institutions, as well.

In the next circle are citizens, acting in their capacity as individuals outside of whatever occupation they might have, who generally support the oppression of individual liberty and free markets. This group can be broken down into two subgroups:

• Those who actively and knowingly support

• Those who passively, perhaps unwittingly, support

The distinction matters with regard to the activities of dissidents. While it is not possible to know the exact percentage breakdown of the two subgroups, it is important to realize that the dissident focus needs to be on members who are passively, even unwittingly, supporting the oppression.

Finally, in the outer circle, we have those who stand squarely in support of individual liberty and free markets. Like the circle inside it, the members of this group can be broken down into two subgroups:

• Those who are passive in their support (inner ring of last circle)

• Those who are active in their support (furthest away from core)

It is vital for these two outermost groups that they do not further fracture. Given its status as outsiders, membership is critical. This means that those who are “active” in their dissent cannot become critical of those who are passive. To do so risks their alienation and could push them into the circle below. We need to understand that not everyone has the same tolerance for risk. Nor does everyone have a set of life circumstances that enables them to actively join a dissident movement. For those of us who can join, we must join on behalf of the others. We are already so far removed from the powerful core, that we cannot risk alienating anyone who stands behind us, even if circumstances prevent them from standing alongside us.  (read more)

Notice the aspect highlighted in that last paragraph.  Not only do I agree with it, but I have also tried to emphasize it frequently.  Those who oppose tyranny must not fracture.  We must stand united.

Now ask yourself, very deliberately, who and what is behind this recent push to divide us based on a false argument about President Trump’s vaccination position?  Think about that very carefully.

The only assembly that can defeat the scale of a comprehensively corrupt U.S. government is a united MAGA base.  We are fighting communists!