Tuesday, December 14, 2021

Democrats Desperately Need Covid To Be Over

The leftist media keeps publishing pieces like this -- you'd almost think it was some kind of, I don't know, coordinated propaganda messaging campaign.

I wrote yesterday about the New York Times publishing an Op-Ed -- that's their own editorial board's opinion -- that it's time to stop panicking about covid and treat it as an endemic disease, like the flu, that will be with us seasonally, and live our lives as we live them with the flu. That is, normally.

As I wrote yesterday:

This is hurting the left -- it was this issue, specifically school closures at the behest of the teachers unions, that flipped Virginia to the Republicans -- so suddenly the New York Times is counselling those it instilled panic in for two years, entirely for crude, cynical political purposes, to not panic so much.

Again, for crude, cynical political purposes. They just want to blunt the Red Wave.

Covid Panic had been a useful political tool. Now it is politically harmful. 

Democrat politicians seem to be realizing this. Colorado's Democrat governor Jared Polis says he won't mandate masks, because "the emergency is over."

'The emergency is over,' according to Governor Jared Polis, who explained on Colorado Matters on Friday that vaccines have changed the COVID-19 landscape, rendering masks useful but not required in the state's fight against the pandemic. 


The Governor spoke about why he favors vaccination over mask mandates, despite many metro counties having implemented their own mandates to help control the spread of the virus. "Public health [officials] don't get to tell people what to wear; that's just not their job," the Governor said. 

Even the witch Gretchen Whitmer is now... criticizing Biden's vaccine mandates.

Gov. Gretchen Whitmer, in her strongest public remarks to date about President Joe Biden's vaccine mandate for employers, said Monday that the requirement is "a problem" for her and state government, according to a published report.

The Daily News in Greenville reported Whitmer as telling business leaders in Montcalm County that she had the same concerns as some of them that the mandate, if enforced, could lead to workers, including those in state government, walking off the job.

"We're an employer too, the state of Michigan is," Whitmer was reported as saying. "I know if that mandate happens, we're going to lose state employees. That's why I haven't proposed a mandate at the state level. Some states have. We have not, we're waiting to see what happens in court."

Whitmer is, get this, up for reelection in 2022. And not only did she impose draconian lockdowns and close the schools for a year and force nursing homes to accept covid patients, killing thousands, but she did all that while also overseeing one of the worst covid infection and fatality rates in the country. *

Biden gave his second big signal of the year a few days ago that covid needs to end. That they need to declare victory and move on.

It's not Republicans he's pleading to. It's the media. "Please stop reporting on cases and new variants every day. I need political capital to pass BBB, and I don't have that if my key campaign promise of 2020 is a pile of smoldering ashes."

Posted by: TheJamesMadison

So it is time to tell the brainwashed left that the war with Oceania is over, and it's time to resume the war with the country we've always been at war with, Eurasia.

Again, this isn't about Science, this isn't about Health, this isn't about Freedom, this isn't about America.

This is solely about the Marxist front organization called the Democrat Party and its electoral fortunes in 2022. The left has finally realized that the majority of the public has had enough of the constant covid panic and will punish whatever party is pushing that constant panic.