Friday, December 31, 2021

CDC Quietly Changes Quarantine Guidelines Again, You Can Return to Work When Fever Breaks or Something

This doesn’t seem very science-y, all things considered.  After originally posting their new changed guidelines for quarantine from ten days to five, and getting a lot of Branch Covidians confused about it, the CDC quietly edited the guidelines again to add: you can exit quarantine if “symptoms are resolving (without fever for 24 hours)”

This is what it looked like originally:

And this is what the guidelines look like now:

It would appear the CDC originally responded to the requests from the corporate community of employers for an anticipatory change in quarantine times from ten days to five.  Likely an effort to keep people working.

Now, it looks like the CDC is responding to the uptick in cases, to get people back to work even faster:

Link to CDC Daily Cases

500,000 people out sick would definitely impact the “workforce and operations” of businesses.

Not very science-y or public health related – but rather, CDC guidance determined by business operational needs.

All of this COVID shifting, and CDC justification has rightly made the vaccinated population, and those who were likely to get into the booster phase, a little more suspect of the government motive.