Friday, December 24, 2021

BREAKING: Biden says 'Let's go Brandon, I agree' during Christmas call with kids and parents

 CNN's Jeremy Diamond reported to Twitter on Friday that during a call between President Joe Biden, First Lady Jill and children who were calling into NORAD to track Santa, a dad spoke up at the end of the all and said "Let's go Brandon," to which the President said "Let's go Brandon, I agree."  

"Let's go Brandon," which is "code for "f*ck Joe Biden," has become a common chant at college football game and social gatherings across the country. The trend began when an NBC reporter was trying to cover for a NASCAR crowd chanting "f*ck Joe Biden," and she claimed they were cheering for the winner of the race and saying "Let's go Brandon."

Since then, the cheer has become a rollicking, joyous chant for any group of people, large or small, who want to express their displeasure with the president or the current administration.

"Let's go Brandon" has made its way to wrapping paper, and an entire store opened up selling "Let's go Brandon" in one of the bluest states, Massachusetts. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi was heckled with the chant while speaking in San Francisco, and President Biden was treated to "Let's go Brandon" when visiting storm-ravaged Kentucky.  

Songs using the phrase knocked Adele off the charts, and Steve Bannon has backed a cryptocurrency called $FJB, the "Let's go Brandon" coin. Former President Donald Trump even laughed when the chant was heard at the World Series.  

Democrats have claimed that the chant is equivalent to burning the flag. But Democrats and media loved saying "F*ck Trump" during his time in office.