Sunday, December 26, 2021

Biden’s Omi-Con Job

The administration’s COVID messaging is as elementary as it is deceitful.

Propped up by a complicit media, extra-legal Democratic changes to election laws, over $300 million in Mark Zuckerberg’s election “grants,” and the lockdown restrictions that allowed him to run what was tantamount to a virtual campaign, Joe Biden and his handlers bumbled into office on the heels of his vow to “shut down the virus.”  

But did anyone really believe it? Or was the Democratic challenger’s elevation to the Oval Office simply a matter of the electorate’s Trump and/or pandemic fatigue? The latter makes far more sense, given Biden’s past failures seeking the presidency; and that little had changed to recommend him in 2020, save for not being the incumbent. 

Not surprisingly, then, even before Biden took the oath of office warning signs abounded that he may not prove capable of taking charge of the pandemic. As it turned out, his administration’s plan would be guided not by medical science but by political calculus. 

Numerous observers predicted that the serial fabulist and B.S. artist Biden’s “comprehensive plan” had as much chance of defeating the virus as he did of establishing “unity” amongst a divided populace. Ergo, the divisive Biden and his handlers would be focused on crafting the “narrative” (i.e., lie) that his policies had something—anything—to do with eradicating the COVID-19 virus. As one recovering politician opined in American Greatness: “The goal is to convince Americans that Biden solved the pandemic. Amid the political science that will drive Biden’s first hundred daze, did anyone truly expect a known plagiarist wouldn’t claim to have authored the pandemic’s ending?”  

But this was at a time when the incoming administration had every reason to believe that the groundwork laid by the Trump Administration, especially in the area of vaccines, would soon quell the virulent “virus of unknown origin.” It was simply a waiting game for them, fending off pleas to follow the science to appease their left-wing constituencies until nature and the pharmaceutical industry took its course (and its cut, in the latter’s case).

While the initial COVID-19 virus may have had a social conscience, manifested by its refusal to spread during the BLM “mostly peaceful” protests, its variants would not prove so accommodating in facilitating the Democrats’ agenda. Thus, when poised to declare victory, Biden was forced bogusly to claim it had been blindsided by the virus’ variants, Delta and Omicron (and, if necessary, by any more that come down the pandemic pike).

So, while the media’s latest flurry of pandemic porn and state-sanctioned propaganda infected the gullible, after a roborant few days of relative inactivity Biden lurched into autocratic retrenchment on his bogus narrative that he will still deliver on his promise to defeat the virus, in whatever form he finds it. 

In its component elements, the latest plan is a mixed bag of actions—some that should have been taken sooner during the earlier, more lethal phases of the pandemic; some of potentially marginal benefit; some that should never be taken at all within a free society; and every one of them performative to drive the continuing narrative of “how Joe killed COVID.” Of paramount political import, though, are the twin prongs upon which the new plan is premised.

The first is the unscientific, autocratic, and proactive scapegoating of the unvaccinated in the event this plan fails, too. 

After patting himself on the back without offering a shred of supporting evidence—“Due to the steps we’ve taken, Omicron has not yet spread as fast as it would have otherwise done”—like a hammy FDR impersonator flubbing his lines, Biden gifted hard-pressed Americans with a Christmas rant of “we have nothing to fear but fearlessness.” 

We are looking at a winter of severe illness and death for the unvaccinated—for themselves, their families, and the hospitals they’ll soon overwhelm. But there’s good news: If you’re vaccinated, and you have your booster shot, you’re protected from severe illness and death.

And, just in case anyone missed the threat, Biden’s White House COVID response coordinator, Jeff Zients, hammered home Biden’s season’s beatings. (He did, however, sneakily walk back the allegation that the unvaccinated willoverwhelm hospitals by claiming they “may.”) In a less than unifying or, indeed, scientific, manner, he reiterated the Left’s baseline for a social credit system worthy of Xi Jinping: “We are intent on not letting Omicron disrupt work and school for the vaccinated. You’ve done the right thing, and we will get through this.” The rest of our recalcitrant republic is doomed, which is equity or something. 

And that’s just fine with this administration. On Tuesday, Biden revealed that under his social credit system, the unvaccinated are un-American: “I, honest to God, believe it’s your patriotic duty.” (And you naïvely thought his callously turning his drug addicted son into a global bag man to collect 10 percent for the Big Guy from our nation’s enemies was un-American.) 

As the Federalist’s John Daniel Davidson writes in his scathing analysis of Biden’s attack on the unvaccinated:

So that’s the official administration line: opened schools and businesses for the vaccinated and ‘severe illness and death’ for the unvaccinated, who will overwhelm hospitals with the omicron variant and, by implication, bear responsibility for the pandemic from here on out.

It’s one of the most bizarre and appalling statements from a presidential administration in American history, breathtaking in its dishonest scapegoating and shocking in its callous disregard for the millions of Americans who have decided, for reasons of their own, not to get the Covid shots.

The second aspect of the latest plan is how its components are heavy-handed political theater out of proportion with the more contagious but less severe Omicron variant. This may lead some to surmise an abject lack of medical science behind the dilatory Biden Administration’s disproportionate response. But a loathsome convergence of political calculus and medical science undergirds this response, for the Omicron variant’s mildness is what is driving the administration’s dire, draconian response.

The Biden Administration’s messaging strategy is as elementary as it is deceitful. As the Omicron variant continues to prove less severe and lethal and, as is increasingly proving likely, more short-lived than the initial virus and its Delta variant, the more the Biden Administration will claim its ham-fisted actions have been the reason—scientific evidence be damned (and ignored by the Pravda media who will parrot the propaganda). 

And if the Omicron variant proves more resistant than expected and hoped? Saddle up the scapegoats and ride herd over them into a “Center for National Resilience.”

In a chronological listing of this administration’s COVID-19 promises and incompetence, one of his daily memos for the Washington TimesByron York concludes: “For Biden, a day of COVID reckoning is coming.” Perhaps. One would like to think that escaping such a reckoning would be impossible. Indeed, it would require a morally bankrupt, lap dog media and . . .

Okay. It would be hard to escape such a reckoning, because the villain would have to be a superhuman sociopath ready, willing, and able to stand before a struggling, suffering populace and claim a stark situation improved because of him, when it actually improved despite him.