Thursday, December 30, 2021

Biden Gets His GOAT

Unique distinctions now await the Delaware Democrat.

Joe Biden had barely escaped from his military-guarded inauguration when people began to wonder if he would become known as the worst U.S. president of all time. Yet by the end of 2021, Biden was clearly in the running for the greatest of all time, but not in the sense he might have hoped. Such an outcome was entirely predictable. 

Joe Biden was never much of a scholar or thinker, otherwise he never would have taken up plagiarism. That started in law school where Joe was a bottom feeder, though he later claimed otherwise. A legal career was not to be and when politics beckoned, Joe came running. Before long, he had his eyes on the prize. In his first run for president in 1988, the Delaware Democrat plagiarized a speech by pro-Soviet British Marxist Neil Kinnock, perhaps the worst choice he could have made. To say the least, that calls Joe’s judgment into question. 

Some Democrats thought Biden packed Kennedy-style cred, but he hung out with segregationists and his idol was Democratic Senate boss Robert Byrd (D-W.Va.) a former big shot in the Ku Klux Klan. Byrd voted against African American Supreme Court nominee Thurgood Marshall, and Biden followed the former Ku Klucker in his vote against Clarence Thomas—after Biden conducted what Thomas rightly called a “high-tech lynching.” 

Mark Bowden described Biden as “plenty smart” but “not an intellectual,” which in 2010 was pretty funny. The Delaware Democrat showed no sign that he had read anything of significance, so no surprise that he never wrote or said anything that would make a sub-moron’s mouth twitch. Except perhaps in derision. 

Biden’s achievements in the Senate were hard to find but, perhaps for that very reason, he caught the eye of the composite character David Garrow described in Rising Star: The Making of Barack Obama. As vice president, Biden got the China gig and the PRC proved fond of son Hunter. The “big guy” had a piece of the action, but for Democrats that was only “Russian disinformation” and Joe stayed in the race. He claimed to “choose truth over facts” and told African Americans “you ain’t black” if they didn’t support him. Some blacks did support him, for curious reasons. 

Angela Davis, winner of the Lenin Peace Prize in 1979, spent much of her life propping up an all-white Soviet dictatorship and in 1980 and 1984 ran for vice president on the Communist Party USA ticket under white Stalinist Gus Hall. During the 2020 campaign, Davis supported Joe Biden as the candidate “who can be most effectively pressured into allowing more space for the evolving anti-racist movement.” 

Joe boasted about deploying the most extensive system of voter fraud in American history, so it makes sense that he didn’t get out much during the campaign. He did tell one autoworker, “You’re full of shit,” instead of answering his question on the Second Amendment. As this revealed, Joe does have a rather nasty side, but on the other hand, he’s good at sniffing out the ladies. Joe wants to “build back better,” but at the end of 2021 embattled Americans have to wonder. 

As parents have noticed, the Biden Junta is all-in with BLM and “1619 Project” indoctrination. Lenin Peace Prize winner Angela Davis got what she wanted, and she had to be pleased with Biden’s choice for comptroller of the currency in the Treasury Department. Moscow State alum Saule Omarova, a Lenin scholar who wrote a sympathetic thesis on Marx, aimed to replicate Soviet banking in America. Fortunately, a few Democrats opposed her. 

In early December, Biden claimed to have met with Israeli Prime Minister Golda Meir during the Six-Day War, when “she invited me to come over because I was going to be the liaison between she and the Egyptians about the Suez.” Trouble was, Golda Meir was not Prime Minister during the Six Day War, and at the time Joe Biden was still in law school. Like many in government, the delusional Biden seems to live under the Dictatorship of the Subjunctive Mood (DSM). Should that be doubted, consider Biden’s views on his $3.5 trillion spending plan.

“My Build Back Better Agenda costs zero dollars,” Biden tweeted.  “And it adds zero dollars to the national debt.” As that suggests, the books Biden has notread include Business Math for Dummies, and Basic Economics by Thomas Sowell. And remember, Joe is plenty smart; just not an economist or an intellectual. 

Joe Biden inherited a surging economy with high rates of employment for all American workers. For the first time in decades, the nation was self-sufficient in energy. Illegal border crossings had been reduced to a trickle. When Biden took over, terrorists were running for their lives and national adversaries like China, Russia, and Iran were back on their heels. By the end of 2021, that has all changed. 

China, Russia, and Iran are all rattling sabers. Workers are giving up on the job market. America is again energy-dependent and gasoline costs more than $5 a gallon in some areas. The vaunted stimulus failed to stimulate much of anything, and the economy is a joke. Biden’s performance recalls Jimmy Carter, a leading candidate for worst U.S. president of all time. 

While living under the Georgia Democrat’s “misery index” Americans did not crowd into stadiums telling Jimmy to self-stimulate. In 2021, on the other hand, people in stadiums readily denounce Biden in no uncertain terms. Though “not an intellectual,” the Delaware Democrat has doubtless figured out what “Let’s go Brandon,” means.  

The composite character president, formerly known as Barry Soetoro, claimed to lead from behind but it’s hard to see Biden as a leader in any sense. The Delaware Democrat, 79, is an obedient follower of a leftist Junta, and as Angela Davis noted, easily pressured by comrades on the farthest reaches of the Left. 

Given the conditions prevailing when he entered the White House, Joe Biden could be the greatest failure of any politician attempting to lead an industrialized nation. If his current trajectory continues, Biden may wind up as the first national undertaker, the outcome many of his backers seek. 

For this crowd, the United States of America has never been anything more than a hothouse of racist oppression. Therefore, the USA must be demolished to make way for Soviet Amerikhastan, with Saule Omarova heading up the Federal Reserve and maybe Ilhan Omar as defense secretary. Happy New Year everybody!