Tuesday, December 21, 2021

Another Two House Democrats Decide Not to Run for Reelection, That Brings Total to 23

Representative Lucille Roybal-Allard (D-CA), the powerful chair of an Appropriations subcommittee overseeing immigration issues, becomes the 23rd House Democrat to announce she will not seek reelection in 2022.  Roybal-Allard was first elected to the House in 1993 and was going to have a redistricting battle.  Additionally:

Rep. Stephanie Murphy (D-Fla.), a leader of the moderate Blue Dog Democrats, announced earlier Monday that she was retiring in 2022 to spend more time with her young children. Over the weekend, there were also reports Rep. Albio Sires (D-N.J.) plans to retire.

The southern border is a mess, and border state Latino Democrats are switching to the Republican Party. Inflation is skyrocketing and will likely continue getting worse through 2022 due to fiscal and monetary policy. Wage growth (3%) is nowhere near enough to keep up with food inflation (15%+).  Making things worse, gas prices have doubled in most areas and will continue to increase into 2022 due to Biden energy policy.

The Democrat regulatory environmental programs in coastal areas and ports are continuing to create massive supply chain issues.  Home heating costs this winter will be 60 to 70 percent higher due to Biden energy policy. The Joe Biden vaccination mandate is creating a workforce crisis and escalating backlash created by toxic federal overreach.

Several blue states (CA, NY, IL) are losing congressional seats due to population losses, while red states are gaining congressional districts due to population growth.  Insane spending by Democrats continues without pause or consideration for the inflation they are creating.  The great ideological cleaving between Democrat communists and middle-class Americans continues.

Polling indicates there is a major storm on the horizon for Democrats, as their ideological thirst for power is transparent {link} and being rejected. Every single policy the Biden administration touches creates a crap storm of anxiety for the ‘Main Street’ American worker.

The only group benefiting from JoeBama policies is the same group that funds them, Wall Street.  Making matters worse, the political communists behind the policy execution are brazen in showcasing how the destruction of the American economy is their intent.

Now the White House is promising “a winter of severe illness and death for yourselves, your families, and the hospitals you may soon overwhelm.”   Not exactly an optimistic message.

Even the New York Times has gone from panic to ‘shock’: “The numbers are even worse for Democrats in the eight states expected to have the closest Senate elections, according to Langer — Arizona, Florida, Georgia, Nevada, New Hampshire, North Carolina, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin. Not only is Biden’s overall job approval rating in those states 33 percent, 10 points lower than it is in the rest of the country, but registered voters in those eight states say they are more likely to vote for Republican House candidates than for Democrats by 23 points (at 58 percent to 35 percent).

This is the backdrop for an eleven-term Democrat Lucille Roybal-Allard (D-CA) to become the second Communist today to announce her retirement.  There are now 23 House Communists (ie Democrats) officially jumping ship and announcing they will not attempt re-election {link}.  There will likely be more before the primary races begin in 2022.

Additionally, Nancy Pelosi will never return to the minority leadership role.  No way, not after the groundwork Pelosi has established in the last two congressional sessions. The backlash against Pelosi and her manipulative rule changes *should* allow for an “anything goes” approach from MAGA-angry wolverine Republicans and Independents.  The 2022 overall campaign slogan should be: No Mercy, Ever!

As CTH has often said, Democrats must not be beaten – they must be destroyed.

Arguing with a political leftist in the hope they can be convinced to change direction is futile. They are disassociated on a mental and emotional level from any semblance of a capacity to consider they may be wrong. This is why you can never let up in the fight against them. Even in victory, the blue-collar working-class common-sense approach must be relentless. The modern left has to be destroyed on such a scale as their dangerous ideology is reduced to burning embers; however, do not trick yourself into believing it will ever be fully extinguished.

[…] You cannot comply your way out of tyranny any more than you can negotiate your way out of the gallows.   If you are considered the enemy of the modern leftist movement, they will seek your destruction.  The only way to fight this adversary is with brutal hand-to-hand combat where you never, ever, concede an inch.

For God’s sake, if you need a reference point, 27% of them are willing to put an untested vaccine into the arms of their children without hesitation to protect against an illness that is non-existent.  Do you really think it’s possible to rationally debate them?

Instead, we meet Obama’s “Yes we can,” or Joe Biden’s “Build Back Better,” with a much stronger and unapologetic “F**k Joe Biden“….

That’s how we defeat the insane communists!

Grind the Communists into pulp – make their lives miserable, and when the media asks why Republicans are being so rough, grind the Communists even harder.   Ridicule anyone who would stand up for them.  Cast the Communist Democrats into a fiery pit of irrelevance and keep pouring toxic lava upon them to keep them from climbing out.
