You might have heard media talking about the cost of the “average family Thanksgiving dinner” being 14% more this year than last year [Video Example]. The media is quoting a survey conducted by the Farm Bureau [DATA LINK]. The survey is an exercise in abject nonsense. Before getting into the details, let’s give an example of how the media is reporting about it [20 seconds] WATCH:
According to the Farm Bureau data being promoted by the media in 2021, a full Thanksgiving dinner for ten people costs $53.31 – which is 14 percent higher than last year.
FEED TEN PEOPLE for $53.31 ?
I had to look and see what fairy dust these people were smoking to come up with that number.
I found the Farm Bureau website, found the internal data and checked the shopping list pdf. Here’s what they claim:
Keep in mind, this is presumably for TEN PEOPLE:
Anyone else see a whole lot of silly in this list?
(pdf link)
Good luck making that veggie tray with $0.89 cents worth of carrots and celery. LOL
Anyone want to try going to the grocery store with $55 for Thanksgiving dinner for ten people?
All of it.