Thursday, October 14, 2021

Victor Davis Hanson predicts full 'reckoning' in midterms: Biden will face a 'grassroots revolution'

Article By Yael Halon for Fox News


Victor Davis Hanson predicts full 'reckoning' in midterms: Biden will face a 'grassroots revolution'

Hanson said the academic community is in a 'panic' as critical institutions embrace a radical far-left ideology

President Biden's controversial vaccine mandates and far-left policies are corroding U.S. institutions – and it won't bode well for him in the midterm elections, historian Victor Davis Hanson said Wednesday.

"There’s going to be a reckoning" Hanson told "Tucker Carlson Tonight." "I think whether it’s Mexican-American communities on the border or where I live, or soccer moms mad about what’s being taught in schools, it’s not a top down, woke revolution. It’s a grassroots populist revolution. We’re going to see it in the next midterms I think a lot of these institutions are going to rue the positions they’ve taken and the damage they’ve done."

Hanson was asked about Biden's vaccine mandate during his appearance Thursday. Carlson said the mandate is expected to render inoperable U.S. hospitals, airlines, police departments, fire departments, and other long-term care facilities. Hanson echoed the host's concerns with the executive order, calling it just one of several "unsustainable" policies put forth by this administration.

"It’s not Tucker Carlson that’s saying this alone," Hanson said. "It’s Barack Obama who says the border is unsustainable. Or Larry Summers saying the economic agenda won’t work. Or senators on the Democratic side said Afghanistan is a disaster. It’s everybody saying ‘what’s going on? We’ve never seen anything like it," Hanson remarked.

"Is it incompetence? Accidental? Is it non-compos mentis problems with the president," he continued, "or is by design an, anarchy, a chaos, a nihilism…to have an agenda that doesn’t pull on any of its items 50 percent but through the sheer fear of this chaotic, anarchic, ‘we are going to have a new agenda that is socialist, and nobody knows…’"

Hanson said the academic community is in a "panic" as critical institutions embrace a radical far-left ideology. 

"The academic world has filtered down to the concrete world under this agenda, and they are really, really frightened, and they are saying we’ve never seen something like this before," he said.

"When they looked to these institutions you mentioned, they look at the military or professional sports or entertainment or Hollywood or Silicon Valley or social media or network news or Wall Street or the corporate boardroom and they say what happened? We don’t recognize it anymore," Hanson said. "We have been asleep and they have filtered into all these institutions with this agenda we don’t want, and it doesn’t work."

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