Wednesday, October 13, 2021

Supply Chain: We're Running out of Food — Thanks to Biden

Seton Motley reporting for RedState

Much discussed — and rightly so — is the Joe Biden-made disaster that is our frozen supply chain.

Supply Chain Shortages Are Blocking Multiple Industries

We are a very large geographical country — with 330+ million people contained herein. We require lots of stuff to get by day-to-day.

To service this land mass of humanity, we have developed a very intricate, interworking web of boats and planes, trucks and trains, cars and even bikes and bicycles to get things to people who need or want them. This is the supply chain.

It is a marvel of free market, private sector ingenuity. But when we have a President that is opposed to free market, private sector ingenuity – things rapidly grind to a halt.

About which we warned in August 2020….

Biden’s ‘Build Back Never’: His Endless Government Assaults Will Make Building America Impossible

Every aspect of our supply chain is now under attack.

The chain requires lots and lots of oil and gasoline. Biden’s government is assaulting every aspect of their extraction, processing and delivery.

The chain requires lots of people working to ensure everything is delivered — The Chain Gang, if you will. Biden’s government is paying people quite generously to do nothing — so why would they look to get paid to do something?

And lots of people who are willing to work -— but not willing to subject themselves to experimental, highly problematic, and ineffectual vaccines for a virus with a 99+% survival rate? Biden’s government is forcing them out of work by the millions.

The chain is being damaged — way up the technology ladder.  We are suffering a massive semiconductor chip shortage. Which means government is going to allegedly spend trillions of dollars on infrastructure — but won’t actually be able to upgrade or update a whole lot of the infrastructure.  Or the machines to repair or build the infrastructure.

Biden’s government is hyper-regulating everyone and everything.

He is eviscerating the value of our money — causing everything to artificially cost more and more, as we make less and less.

And he is looking to dramatically increase taxes on the companies that make the supply chain work.

The chain can only take so much government sand — before the gears grind to a halt.  And here we are.

But fear not – Biden’s on the case…in his way.  Get this:

‘There Will Be Things You Can’t Get’: White House Gives Dire Holiday Warning Over Supply Chain Bottleneck

By “on the case” ?  We mean he’s saying a problem he’s caused that we’ve had for months — may start to be a problem in a few months.

Hey, Clueless Joe — where have you been?

Supply Chain Issues, Labor Shortage Blamed for Resurgence of Empty Shelves Nationwide

Inflation and Supply Shortages Mean A Return of Empty Shelves

Actual Modern Infrastructure Problem: A Lack of Domestic Semiconductor Production

Some of the things of which we are short in this government-induced pinch — we can wait on a bit. It’s awful for the people who design, manufacture, deliver, and sell these things — but the broader population can do without for a little while.

PS5, Xbox Series X Supply Shortages Could Last Until 2023

The Chip Shortage Is Driving Up Tech Prices – Starting With TVs

Of course, a lot of the things of which we are short — are life staples.

Supply Chain Impacts What Happened to All the Toilet Paper?

And nothing is a bigger life staple — than food.  Uh oh….

Grocery Store Shelves to Be Bare: Brace Yourself:

“The ongoing global supply chain disruption is becoming a bona fide crisis. Already, strains on the supply chain are prompting many of the nation’s biggest food manufacturers to give a heads up to giant grocery store chains that they are going to have trouble keeping up with demand….

“Basics…are, in all likelihood, going to be hard to come by….”

Outstanding news.

We’ve warned for many years that government’s serial mass-abuse of our farmers and ranchers has created a highly tenuous food supply chain situation.

Too many taxes, too many regulations – and too many terrible trade deals.…

Estate Taxes Are a Threat to Family Farms

‘Fertilizer Taxes’ Will Hurt Farmers and Likely Drive Up Food Prices

The EPA is Turning Water on Farms Into a Weapon Against Farmers

A Government Agency Making Farmers’ Lives Miserable – Besides the EPA, We Mean

Importing Government Subsidies: The Worst of Fake ‘Free Trade’

We’ve been teetering on a knife’s edge — for a very long time.  And then along comes Biden.

Biden and His Democrats REALLY Don’t Like US Farmers

Biden Set to Eviscerate US Farmers with Cabinet Picks and Their Policies

Biden Attacks Farms

Biden’s Second Death Tax Will Kill Farms

And now our grocery store shelves — are getting empty.

What we need to feed us — is massive rollbacks of Biden’s very many ridiculous policies.  And of a whole lot of other ridiculous government policies.

The Solution to Our Looming Farm Crash: Less Government Everywhere

Most unfortunately, that is nowhere on the Biden menu.