Wednesday, October 13, 2021

School Board Covered-up Student Rape, Had Father of Victim Arrested to Keep Him Quiet, Then Labeled Him a Domestic Terrorist

This horrific story is grotesque and enraging.  A 14 year-old student was raped and sodomized by a teenage sexual predator in Virginia on May 28th. The school never called the police and apparently wanted to keep the incident covered-up because the rapist identifies as a transgender student.

The predator used the transgender bathroom policies of the Loudoun County school system to gain access to the girls bathroom where he raped and sodomized the victim.

When the father Mr. Scott Smith went to confront the school board in June, he was arrested. [CTH Covered the School Board Meeting HERE] The National School Board Association later used the incident of Mr. Smith’s arrest to label the victim’s father as a “domestic terrorist” in their demand letter to the U.S. Department of Justice.

The Virginia police and county prosecutors told Mr. Smith to keep his mouth shut. Meanwhile the rapist was transferred to another school where he sexually assaulted another teenage girl last week. Only after the second rape did the issue start to become public as the father of the first victim would no longer stay quiet.

The Daily Wire broke the story [HERE, w/ registration wall] and the Daily Mail picked it up:

[Via Daily Mail] – A Virginia father who went viral after being dragged out of a Loudoun County school board meeting and arrested for protesting its proposed transgender policies has now revealed he was trying to tell the room that his daughter had been raped by a boy at school in the girls’ bathroom.

Scott Smith was photographed on June 22 being dragged out of the heated meeting with his torso exposed in Leesburg, Virginia. The 48-year-old plumber was ridiculed on social media afterwards and was painted by the left to be a deranged, right-wing bigot.

But in an interview with The Daily Wire that was published on Monday, he explains that he was trying to stick up for his daughter, who was attacked at Stone Bridge High School on May 28 by a boy ‘wearing in a skirt.’

Smith says the boy took advantage of the school’s trans policies to get into the girls’ bathrooms and assault her.

Two months after the incident, the boy – who has not been named because he is a juvenile – was arrested for forced sodomy.

And in October, he was arrested again on different charges for allegedly assaulting a different girl, at a different school. He is now in a juvenile detention center.

But Smith says Loudoun County schools went out of their way to protect the child – ‘a sexual predator’. The school still has not commented.

‘It has been so hard to keep my mouth shut and wait this out. It has been the most powerless thing I’ve ever been through,’ he said. (read more)

What the hell is going on in Virginia public schools?  Everything about this story is sickening on an unfathomable scale.

The June School Board meeting that Mr. Smith attended was discussing the district transgender policies that led to the rape of his daughter the month before.  If there was anyone who should have been permitted to speak it should have been Scott Smith….