Tuesday, October 12, 2021

My thoughts on tonight's NCIS


Damn. The NCIS franchise really decided to mess with my feelings these last 2 days.

First on Sunday, NCIS LA delivered an insulting gut punch of an episode that left me feeling angry, confused, and mostly insulted. (I'll be posting my review later. And I have a lot of feelings on that!)

Then on Monday night, Regular NCIS delivered one heck of an emotional gut puncher that I knew was coming in some way, but man, did it hurt!!

Yup, Mark really left.

I knew it was coming in some way, I had heard a few months ago that Mark only wanted to do a small handful of episodes, so I figured in some way, that would be some kind of exit. And it was.

I'm not really going to go into details of how it went down, but I'll give a lowdown:

It was packed with feelings, and emotions, and they even revealed how Gibbs got all those boats out of the basement!

And the best part: Gibbs finally found peace after so many decades. Which was my only wish for NCIS this Season. And it was granted. Given that most if not all of my NCIS LA wishes keep getting rejected, this was huge for me.

I'm really sad, but also happy. It was a fitting exit.

I've often asked myself if NCIS could really go on without Gibbs. And, I think it can. There's a long Season ahead, and Gary Cole just proved himself to be a good addition to the team. So, I think it'll be okay.

So long, Mark. Come back sometime.