Tuesday, October 12, 2021

Hillary Clinton decries attacks on 'legitimacy' of elections after calling Trump an 'illegitimate president'


Article by Josef A. Wulfsohn for Fox News


Hillary Clinton decries attacks on 'legitimacy' of elections after calling Trump an 'illegitimate president'

Clinton has long pointed to Russia's interference in the 2016 election as a prominent reason why she lost


Hillary Clinton sounded the alarm on the "high-level attack" on the legitimacy of American elections during an appearance on "The View" after previously singing a different tune. 

The former secretary of state was asked "how close" she thought the country came to a "full-on constitution crisis" following the events of Jan. 6. 

"You know, I think we not only came close to a full constitutional crisis, I think we’re still in it," Clinton responded on Monday. "And that gives me absolutely no satisfaction in saying this because I think we’re at a very dangerous, continuing high-level attack on the legitimacy of our government and the election of our president."

However, the former 2016 Democratic nominee previously declared her GOP opponent Donald Trump was an "illegitimate president."

"I believe he knows he's an illegitimate president," Clinton told CBS in 2019. "He knows. He knows that there were a bunch of different reasons why the election turned out the way it did."

"I don't know if we'll ever know everything that happened, but clearly we know a lot and are learning more every day- history will probably sort it all out," Clinton added. 


Ever since her defeat, which she conceded, Clinton repeatedly pointed to Russia's interference in the 2016 election as a prominent reason why she was never elected to the White House. 

A November 2018 Economist/YouGov poll showed a whopping 67 percent of Democrats believe it is "definitely" or "probably true" that Russia tampered with vote tallies in order to elect Trump despite any evidence. The Russia probe conducted by Special Counsel Robert Mueller outlined Russian-led activity on social media but found no further collusion between the Kremlin and the Trump campaign.

Last month, Democratic attorney Michael Sussmann was charged with lying to the FBI regarding not disclosing his ties to Clinton's presidential campaign after pushing for an investigation into Trump's ties to Russia in 2016, specifically over a server connection between the Trump Organization and the Kremlin-linked Alfa Bank.

This marked the second indictment to come from Special Counsel John Durham, who is looking into the origins of the Russia investigation.



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