Wednesday, October 13, 2021

CNN: Get Used to Empty Supermarket Shelves, Comrade


  This is what store shelves always looked like in the old Soviet Union

Article by Robert Spencer in PJMedia

CNN: Get Used to Empty Supermarket Shelves, Comrade

White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki said Tuesday what has been obvious for quite some time: “The president wants to make fundamental change in our economy, and he feels coming out of the pandemic is exactly the time to do that.” CNN is already laying the groundwork for this, preparing Americans for one of the foremost hallmarks of socialist regimes the world over: empty supermarket shelves. On Sunday, the Leftist propaganda organ masquerading as a news source published a lengthy article entitled “Grocery store shelves aren’t going back to normal this year.” Or, from the looks of things, after that, unless the Leftists in the American government are thrown out of office in 2022 and 2024 and decisively repudiated.

CNN was up front about disappointing Americans who are still optimistic that some day this will all end: “If you hoped grocery stores this fall and winter would look like they did in the Before Times, with limitless options stretching out before you in the snack, drink, candy and frozen foods aisles, get ready for some disappointing news.”

The Before Times — is that before the pandemic, or before socialist Democrats came to dominate their party and the government? Either way it’s the same, and it means there will be fewer groceries available: “Many of the country’s biggest food makers are telling grocers that they will have limited quantities of a number of their products, including items such as Rice Krispies Treats, Sour Patch Kids, some Ben & Jerry’s ice cream flavors [hey, not all the news is bad], McCormick gourmet spices and Marie Callender’s pot pies because of labor, commodity and transportation constraints throttling supply chains, according to emails viewed by CNN and interviews with grocers.”

All this means that “stores won’t have all things for all customers heading into the holidays, and shoppers may not be able to find some of their favorite products, flavors or niche items.” On top of that, “suppliers are warning the company of ‘potential shortages’ of foods, glass jars and packaging containers.” As a result, “some food brands are imposing allocations, or purchase caps, for certain products on grocery stores and distributors, while other vendors are warning more generally of limited availability. Suppliers typically put products on allocation when there are supply shortfalls.” One of these is Kellogg, which “told at least four grocery distributors last month in an email that Pringles Snacks Stacks, Eggo pancakes and MorningStar Farms plant-based hot dogs and bacon will be on allocation and Rice Krispies Treats snacks ‘will remain below service expectations’ through the end of the year. The company also requested that stores cancel their promotions for Rice Krispies and Corn Pops cereal ‘to allow for recovery.’”

No Corn Pops? Sorry, Joe!

All this Sovietization of American supermarkets put me in mind of Boris Yeltsin, the first president of post-Soviet Russia from 1991 to 1999. In September 1989, just before the Berlin Wall came down, Yeltsin was mayor of Moscow. He made an official visit to NASA in Houston. During the trip, he said that he wanted to see what life in America was really like. In order to do so, he headed to Randall’s, a Houston supermarket. According to the Houston Chronicle’s Stefanie Asin, Yeltsin “roamed the aisles of Randall’s nodding his head in amazement. He told his fellow Russians in his entourage that if their people, who often must wait in line for most goods, saw the conditions of U.S. supermarkets, ‘there would be a revolution.’”

“Even the Politburo doesn’t have this choice. Not even Mr. Gorbachev,” marveled Yeltsin. The Chronicle added: “When he was told through his interpreter that there were thousands of items in the store for sale he didn’t believe it. He had even thought that the store was staged, a show for him. Little did he know there countless stores just like it all over the country, some with even more things than the Randall’s he visited.”

Composer Evan Mack, who actually wrote an opera about Yeltsin’s supermarket trip, recounted:

“At the moment everyone thinks, ‘This is a complete disaster,’ he sees the produce section. And it reminds him of when Stalin took away his grandfather’s farm, and he grew up as a boy hungry…so there’s our turn to realize that this was a very important moment.” Mack added that Yeltsin “toured New York City, he saw the Statue of Liberty, Trump Tower — he wasn’t impressed. He saw NASA. Again, no big deal. But it was a grocery store that made him realize that communism is a lie.”

Now if we could only convince CNN. And The Squad. 

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