Tuesday, October 12, 2021

A Message to the Migrant Caravans

Hi. If you plan to run across the U.S. border, let me clue you in. 

One of the reasons you want to come here is because you believe if you work hard, your children can move up. We were a socially mobile country.

The Democrats letting you over the border want to change that. 

You and your children will be part of the permanent underclass. Sent to work for a select number of oligarchs who can pay the onerous taxes & comply with the crushing regulation they propose. 

If you send them to our public schools they “may” become proficient in English. In some urban school districts our own children do not. And asking them to become fluent in our nation’s language is “racist” 

They will be taught that men can become women & vice versa. Gender, you see is a social construct. So is the meritocracy, scientific inquiry & the free market. And we are the most inherently racist nation ever according to your Democrat benefactors. 

Our biggest threat is white supremacist violence according to our elite intelligence & law enforcement agencies. If you are black or brown, our elites tell us you are at great risk. 

But they still wave you in. Expecting you will be lured by free stuff. Healthcare, food, housing. Just please understand if you hook up to the free shit IV, your kids will be in line for the same program. The free shit IV is generational. 

It ties you to the worst schools based on the zip code you live in. The “American Dream” is being murdered by the very people opening the gates. If I told you our government wants to own 50% of the land in this nation by 2050. 

and the owner of the largest amount of farmland in the US is an oligarch, does that sound like we are on the road to where you are fleeing? These morons want us eating bugs, not beef. 

Turn back. Use your smarts, your will, and your fight to improve your own country while we fix ours. We let the “Shining City on the Hill” degrade & I am sorry. We took it for granted. We can fix it if we have the will. 

But to say we should be a nation of immigrants now is deceptive. People like AOC need masked nameless people to hold up the train on her Met Gala dress. 

Obama needs masked servants for his birthday party & our corporate media needs cheap nannies & gardeners. Where you will live will put your kids in schools that let them be the next server, gardener, or nanny. Welcome to Neo-Feudalism. 

Go home & build back better. Our elites see you as future voters & future cheap labor. You deserve better. God speed & blessings.