Monday, September 6, 2021

Yet another migrant caravan headed for U.S. border, Biden and Harris under fire for ongoing migrant crisis


OAN Newsroom

UPDATED 5:35 PM PT – Sunday, September 5, 2021

Yet another migrant caravan departed from Southern Mexico to head for America’s southern border. At least 400 people gathered in the Mexican state of Tapachula this weekend, despite efforts by Mexican authorities to disperse groups of migrants.


 “The truth is we are already tired of staying here in Tapachula,” stated Carlos Correa, a Colombian migrant. “The Mexican Commission for Refugees will not get back to us and it won’t give us appointments until January or February.”


 After a series of clashes with Mexican security forces, the caravan departed for the U.S. border. The migrants claimed they have exhausted all options to reach the U.S. legally and decided to show up at the border instead.

 The the UN Refugee Agency is no longer helping us. We can’t survive in Tapachula,” Correa expressed. “We are asking the government of Mexico to please create a humanitarian corridor for us so we can travel to the U.S. border.”


 Joe Biden and his border czar Kamala Harris have faced renewed criticism for their inability to prevent migrants from pouring into the U.S. Hundreds of thousands of illegal immigrants were caught at the U.S.-Mexico border so far this year.