Friday, September 10, 2021

The Heart of the Mandate Maneuver

A short* article by Believe it!

You don't need an ultrasound to see what's at the heart of Deep State Puppet Biden's vaccination mandate.

  • First, Biden is doing as the Deep State tells him. This is not his decision. Remember he said a few months back (as early as Dec. 2020) that he would not mandate even masks, as well as no vaxx mandates. So this massive switch is not of his own doing, but of the Deep State's.

  • Second, unplug from all the hysterical voices on TV, radio, and certain websites, and don't panic. Look at this logically. Remember, a shinobi must see through deception.

  • Third, as stated in a previous article, we are living through the Fraudulent 20s. The Decade of Fraud will be packed to the brim with deception, distraction, and lies. So look beyond the obvious play and the narrative the fake news media will spin for you and find the true agenda underneath.

With all this in mind, let's see what's involved here.

Biden is not smart. This isn't his play. It's the Deep State's. So there is something bigger going on here than vaccine mandates, which the Feds can't even enforce on the Federal level to federal employees. And that's not just the postal workers either. Many law enforcement and medical groups within the government will not enforce these mandates. The Deep State is being ignored by those they think they rule over.

So of course there is no way Biden can enforce any kind of vaccine mandate on private businesses. The Supreme "Court", after much ass-clownery, finally ruled that the CDC can't put a moratorium on evictions. I suspect some state and even federal judges will issue an injunction to stop any penalties from taking effect.

This is, on it's face, a scare tactic to get businesses to comply without the Feds actually doing anything except issuing threats. Many employers are already in the government's pocket anyway, and the small businesses have already shown themselves as sheep that will blindly comply with insane mandates regarding masks, social distancing, and reduced hours.

But this is merely a side benefit to the Deep State. If they can trick more people into taking the government kill-shot, they think that's great. Here is the real play...

What else is making the news at the moment?

That's right! The Texas Heartbeat Bill, which protects unborn babies who have developed to the point when a heartbeat can be detected, which is sometimes as early as six weeks.

So what's the main argument that the baby-murderers like to use?

"My body, my choice!" Right?

Apparently that doesn't apply to vaccines... or does it?

Clearly the vaccine affects the body of the one who receives it, unlike abortion which affects the unborn baby's body. But the "courts" have never recognized the unborn baby's body, so that's not the issue.

The issue for the "court" is about what a female can do with "her body", as well as her so-called "right" to privacy to commit murder behind closed doors.

The Heartbeat bill will be making its way to the Supreme "Court" soon. The Deep State wants to inject vaccines into the issue to either kill the Heartbeat bill, and/or create a legal conflict that will result in more authoritarian power.

To them this is a win-win scenario.

If the "Court" rules that the vaccine mandate is unconstitutional, oh well. They never planned on forcing vaccines anyway since enough citizens are going to take it regardless. However, this will establish precedent for the Heartbeat ruling, and influence the "justices" to strike that law down for essentially compelling a similar result. That is, a medical status that is unwanted. This is what the Deep State is going for. This vaccine mandate is a play to get abortion solidified in the United States as a private medical decision that cannot be infringed.

The alternative is that the Supreme "Court" upholds the Heartbeat bill, and by that logic upholds the vaccine mandates as well. In which case the Deep State will mandate whatever poison they want, and kill off whoever they wish. Sadly, this will end up destroying the very lives the Heartbeat bill wishes to save.

So this is all an attempt to put the Supreme "Court" in a catch-22.

The Worst Outcome

Of course what the Deep State would love more than anything is for the "Court" to strike down the Heartbeat law, AND spin right around and contradict itself by also upholding a government mandate on vaccines. This outcome is entirely possible with people like Any Con-y Bare-rat on the bench. Not only has she supported vaccine mandates on campus by denying appeals of students, but she also stated in her confirmation hearing that she will uphold Supreme "Court" precedent when it comes to abortion.

I believe the vaccine mandates will be stopped through injunction and ultimately struck down, but that the Heartbeat bill will be as well based on this same basis.

Prepare yourselves for the worst either way. The "justices" are controlled by the Deep State as well.

Believe it!