Wednesday, September 8, 2021

Schumer is a lying sleaze

This asshole.

What a lying sleaze Chuck Schumer is. Honestly, this man has zero conscience. Zip.

Over the last two weeks the Great New York State Fair was taking place here in the Syracuse area. I hate that thing. It’s crowded. Parking is a nightmare. And the whole place smells like fried dough and perspiration. Apparently now it smells like fried dough, perspiration and marijuana. At least according to my niece who said pot smoking is now permitted anywhere cigarette smoking is allowed.

Terrific. Yet another reason to avoid the Fair.

But New York politicians love making an appearance at the Great New York State Fair. They turn up every year to pretend they enjoy eating hot dogs on sticks while glad-handing fair-goers.

That lying sleaze Chuck Schumer turned up the other day, and our local ABC affiliate did an interview with him. Every one of our local news channels broadcast from the Fair. I find it irksome and pointless.

Anyroad. During this interview, that lying sleaze claimed that every American who wanted to leave Afghanistan has gotten out, “praise God.”

Um, no Chuck, you miserable prick. That is a bald-faced lie. And adding “praise God” at the end your lie doesn’t take away the stink. In fact, it makes you all the more sleazy.

Actually, there were two lies in that ever-so-brief clip.

He lied about all Americans being out, and he lied when he said “most” of the Afghan allies were evacuated as well.

Not only are Americans still trapped in Afghanistan, but according to the Wall Street Journal last week, the majority of those Afghan allies who worked with us during the war were left behind.

The US and our allies flew over a hundred thousand people out of Kabul, and we don’t have a single clue who the majority of them are. They could be members of al Qaeda, ISIS, the Taliban – who the hell knows? We didn’t vet them. But here they are being relocated in the states whether we like it or not. Meanwhile, the majority of the people the Biden administration promised to evacuate were left in Afghanistan hiding from the friggin’ Taliban who want them dead.

“Praise God” indeed.

Honestly, this man doesn’t even have a passing acquaintance with the truth. The lying sleaze.

Even his claim that he isn’t concerned about how this failure will hurt Democrats is a lie.

If Schumer wasn’t concerned about how the Afghanistan debacle would blow back on Democrats, then why the hell is he lying about it?

I’ll tell you why.

Because that lying sleaze is deeply worried that Joe Biden’s massive failure will drag the Democrats down in the Midterms so he’s pretending it all went swimmingly.

Man, I really despise Chuck Schumer. He’s slippery, phony and deeply, cynically dishonest.

If only he would choke on his hot dog on a stick, the miserable asshole.