Monday, September 6, 2021

Psychological paralysis in the battle for America


Article by M.E. Boyd in The American Thinker

Psychological paralysis in the battle for America

In a recent article in the American Thinker entitled, The Thirteen-Hundred-And-Eighty-Nine Year War, I outlined some of the major battles in the to-the-death struggle between Islam and Christianity. Back and forth, back and forth it has gone until Christianity and the West seemed to have prevailed after World War I. The Battle for Afghanistan, 2021, just turned the tables.

Islam allows no accommodation with a non-believer. Christianity does. Those Muslims in America who allow such a modification are westernized Muslims who see Islam as a religion to be practiced within the context of the American Rule of Law. They do not see Islam as a political ideology of worldwide conquest. Those Muslims who have not accepted that compromise view Islam as an intractable struggle that must have a clear winner and a clear loser by Islamic, not Christian, terms. Should traditional Islam prevail, those that do not convert must die.

The predicament America finds herself in is difficult for the average American to internalize. We are programmed very early on to develop as individuals. We are programmed very early on to mentally bend to ideas that clash with our “norm” and to find a way to accommodate if only to honor the second Commandment of Christianity – love your neighbor as yourself. This construct seems reasonable to Americans and partners nicely with other internalized values – fairness and tolerance.

Christianity has a hard time, today, bringing itself to a psychological position of winning no matter what. The seeming contradictions of ruthless versus mercy, of pitiless versus compassionate, of brutal versus caring, have so disoriented the Christian mind that relief from the conflict presents itself, often, as numbness. The worldwide head of the Roman Catholic Church, Pope Francis, cannot be bothered about kill lists of Christian Afghans and is taking himself off to a comfortable conference on climate sensitivity. He is not the Charles Martel at the Battle of Tours, 732 A.D. who we need at this moment.

How then, do we put a square peg in a round hole knowing that we must if the West is to survive? In addition to benefiting from Christians’ natural reluctance toward conflict, those who wish the West harm are using the following tactics to further lessen our civilization’s will to fight.

First, as ascribed to Sun Tzu, psychological paralysis underpins all. By severing an opponent’s connection to his environment (reality), from his perception of that reality, an opponent’s will to resist can collapse.

The perception of our reality is that we have the most powerful military in the world. The reality is that we are quickly losing that position, especially in the Navy and, even if we are barely leading, we have no current will to use it for the West’s survival.

The perception of our reality is that the democratic process produces American leaders whose first priority is our nation’s survival. The reality is that the democratic process produces some leaders for whom that is not a priority.

The perception of our reality is that no American President, no Secretary of State, no head of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, and no Secretary of Defense would deliberately hand military victory to an enemy that helped attack us on 9/11/2001. The reality is they just have.

Second, crisis overload freezes the mental grid. It is no accident that the heavy federal hand regarding COVID-19, the introduction into our public schools of hateful learning materials, the rise of crime, and the absence of shame are all happening at the same time, numbing one’s connection to true and right.

Third, self-loathing inoculates against self-preservation. Government agencies and large corporations now mandate that employees be indoctrinated to hate themselves and the American society in which they live. Children in public schools are being taught to self-loathe. Down the memory hole goes authentic history and accumulated knowledge. The hoped-for conclusion is that we deserve to lose.

Americans now cannot tell reality from its perception, cannot tell moral right from its dark counterpart, and have lost their empirical connection to the difference between the primordial and the refined. The strategy and the tactics of those, both domestic and foreign, who wish our nation and our people harm prevail. Whether these tactics have lessened a commitment to Christianity or a lessened commitment to Christianity has fostered these tactics is difficult to unravel. The result is that Islam is on the rise as a threat to Western Civilization.

The square peg needs re-shaping. The thirteen-hundred-and-eighty-nine-year war between Islam and Christianity can be won with decisive rightfulness. The West must be the clear winner. Humanity does not need another Dark Age. 

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