Monday, September 6, 2021

It Begins: Planes of Americans and…

 It Begins: Planes of Americans and Afghan Allies Currently Being Held Hostage by Taliban

AP Photo/Rahmat Gul

Joe Biden is on vacation in Delaware despite the fact that there are an unknown number of Americans still trapped in Afghanistan, not to mention thousands of Afghan allies to whom we had an obligation who were also left.

Biden’s own officials put the number at about 200 people (although they tried to argue it was closer to 100). But 100, 200, or likely far more — he shouldn’t be on vacation. He should be working around the clock to get them out.

Despite the fact that Joe doesn’t seem to care, others do and have been working to try to get folks out. A variety of NGOs, members of Congress, and veterans groups have been doing all they can to help the stranded Americans.

But now there’s word that one effort to rescue people is being stopped by those very guys that the Biden administration described as “helpful” — the Taliban.

CBS Foreign Affairs correspondent Eena Ruffini said that there are multiple flights of hundreds of evacuees, including 19 Americans, trying to get out in Mazar-i-Sharif being held up by the Taliban.

New: CBS has learned multiple flights are being held on the ground at the Mazar-i-Sharif airport in Northern Afghanistan… by the Taliban. 1/

— Ruffini (@EenaRuffini) September 5, 2021

An email from the State Department to members of congress — and viewed by CBS — acknowledged that charter flights are still on the ground at the Mazar-i-Sharif airstrip and have permission to land in Doha “if and when the Taliban agrees to takeoff. 2/

— Ruffini (@EenaRuffini) September 5, 2021

“The Taliban is basically holding them hostage to get more out of the Americans,” a senior congressional source told CBS News. 3/

— Ruffini (@EenaRuffini) September 5, 2021

The group Ascend, an NGO that teaches young women leadership through athletics, told CBS News they have two planes that have been waiting for six days ready to take between 600 and 1200 people — including 19 American citizens and two permanent residents. 4/

— Ruffini (@EenaRuffini) September 5, 2021

“The U.S. airfield in Qatar that has been standing by, ready to receive, is now beginning to pack up,” Marina LeGree, the executive director, told CBS News. “We hope visibility will add pressure to force a solution. Six days of talks are not encouraging.” 5/

— Ruffini (@EenaRuffini) September 5, 2021

The State Department advised members of congress to tell groups seeking to evacuate out of Mazar-i-Sharif that the US does not have personnel on the ground in that location and does not control the airspace. 6/

— Ruffini (@EenaRuffini) September 5, 2021

Congressional and NGO sources say here are at least two physical plans on the ground and six more with approved clearance. The obstacle is the Taliban — which controls the airport and is not letting people board or the planes take off.

CBS has asked @StateDept for comment..

— Ruffini (@EenaRuffini) September 5, 2021

The critical tweet there: “The Taliban is basically holding them hostage to get more out of the Americans,” a senior congressional source told CBS. You knew that was coming after what Biden did and here it is — 19 Americans and hundreds of other Americans not being allowed to leave. And Biden is on vacation again. This has now flat out moved into hostage-taking, as anyone could have predicted.

Rep. Michael McCaul also confirmed this story during an interview on Fox with Chris Wallace. McCaul suggested that they might be angling to hold the people in exchange for official recognition of the government of the Taliban.

STUCK ON PLANES: @RepMcCaul says Americans and Afghan interpreters have been held hostage by the Taliban for days at the Mazar-i-Sharif International Airport in Afghanistan.

— FoxNewsSunday (@FoxNewsSunday) September 5, 2021

But this is the position that Joe Biden has now left us in because of his folly. And yes, you can absolutely then see the Biden team conceding to this and/or leaving these Americans and Afghans to twist in the wind.