Thursday, September 9, 2021

Hair Gel and Harris Reunited as the Warm-up Band for Return of Dementia Joe Biden

Jennifer Oliver O'Connell reporting for RedState

Well, the rumors have been confirmed. Raggedy Jen Psaki said in yesterday’s White House Press Briefing that President Joe Biden would be traveling to California to campaign against the Recall of Gavin Newsom.

From BizPac Review:

In news confirming what many have speculated, Biden will emerge to hit the campaign trail for the embattled governor who faces a serious threat that could derail the dreams of the ambitious product of the corrupt San Francisco Democrat machine.

On Tuesday, White House press secretary Jen Psaki said that Biden would travel to the left coast “early next week” where he will join efforts to energize the party faithful and to prevent a nightmare scenario for Democrats if the recall is successful.

Psaki said at the Press Briefing:

“He will be – I expect we’ll have more to report to all of you, or announce, on a trip he’ll take early next week later today.”

Dementia Joe’s handlers better make sure they reinforce to him that “early next week” will have to be Monday. The election date of September 14 is on Tuesday. Although Joe might just be the close-out act to all the Stop the Republican Recall festivities. Maybe Joe and Corn Pop will do the electric slide.

Assemblyman and gubernatorial candidate Kevin Kiley rightly commented on Newsom’s desperate play, especially at a time when President Joe Biden has problems of his own:

From a sinking approval rating, to a failing domestic agenda, a Middle East crisis of his own making, and American hostages being held on the tarmac in Afghanistan, Joe Biden’s got 99 Problems—Gavin Newsom should not be one.

Yet, here we are.

But before the headliner, you know you have to have the warm-up act. That would be VP McCackles herself, Kamala Harris, who flew in on Air Force 2 to stump for Governor Hair Gel.

Hair Gel and Harris Reunited appeared in San Leandro, CA, to an excited crowd of 192 people (because of COVID restrictions) and 72 of the legacy media.

Apparently the press pool was treated to In-N-Out Burger once they got back on Air Force 2 <insert *eye roll* emoji>

From ABC 7 News:

Vice President Kamala Harris was in the Bay Area Wednesday to campaign for Gov. Gavin Newsom in California’s recall election.

The Vice President left Washington D.C. at 6:05 a.m. PT en route for Oakland. Harris joined Newsom for an event this afternoon at IBEW-NECA Joint Apprenticeship Training Center in San Leandro. The VP is expected to depart from the Oakland International Airport after the event.

His Hairfulness introduced her, but not before putting on a fake preacher cadence, and railing about the “Republican Power Grab” that is the Recall. He condemned the Lead Recall Proponent Orrin Heatlie about his past comments on microchipping illegal aliens, and decried the times we’re living in.

He is the one who helped to shape these times. Is he serious?!

Then, Newsom did a shout out to his SEIU goon squad, who probably made up half of the 192 people in attendance.


“I know, because Labor’s in the house. I know you know a thing or two about getting out the vote. But it’s not just about getting out the vote, it’s turning in the vote,” he said.

“We’re living in a moment in time where we’re debating democracy!”

A Recall is a direct democratic process that Newsom is trying to stop—and should he defeat it—ultimately destroy. Ironic, no?

Newsom went into full-bore hyperbole, encouraging the audience to reject fear and division on the one hand, while on the other hand warning the audience that if he loses the Recall, Larry Elder will be sworn in as the next governor and all the horrors that will entail.

He went on to spout about how consequential this election is, because “Trumpism” and the “Big Lie” is still alive.

“This is our reality, this is our moment, to step up, and step into that void and reject what’s going on across this country.”

Newsom continued to gaslight about California growth and positive health outcomes. He said this with a straight face, full well knowing that people and businesses have left in droves, and continue to leave the state. He wound down his opening pitch, warning that California values are on the ballot, before he introduced VP McCackles.

Harris drew from the same playbook. In her speech, she teed off on the Texas Heartbeat law, and drew a ridiculous comparison between TX Governor Greg Abbott, Governor Hair Gel, and the truth.

“It’s good to be home! It’s good to be home! It’s. Good. To. Be. Home.”

With the disaster unfolding daily at the White House, she probably sincerely means this. If anyone is looking for an escape hatch, it would be her.

“I was flying in, landed in Oakland, flying over the Bay (laugh)… Bay area (laugh). Good to be home. I landed just a short time ago. I’m here for one purpose. I came home for one purpose. I always love to come home, but it was really important for me to come home today. To stand and speak in support, in support of my dear friend,” she gushed.

Harris and Newsom have much in common, their biggest connection being that former Speaker of the House and San Francisco Mayor Willie Brown launched their careers. Who knows what loyalty pacts were formed during that time, but when Newsom calls, she always shows up.

Harris then claimed to be watching the morning news in D.C., where she viewed clips of TX Gov. Abbott discussing the Heartbeat law.

“To speak those words—that were empty words—that were false words that were fueled with not only arrogance but bravado … That is not who we want in our leaders. We want in our leaders someone like Gavin Newsom, who always speaks the truth,” she said.

How Harris can even formed these words from her mouth still amazes me. And she didn’t even cackle.

Harris continued to polish the turd that is Governor Hair Gel’s governance.

“They wouldn’t be trying to recall him, but for the fact they know he is a national leader,” Harris said.

“This is why they are putting so many resources and time into trying to take out Gavin Newsom. It is because of his vision. It is because of the agenda.”

Speaking of resources, Newsom is the one with the almost $50 million dollar war chest. If Newsom is such a “national leader”, he’d be showing that leadership by addressing the concerns from the people of California and not his special interests.

Yet, here we are.

Harris concluded with their (the Democrat Party’s) vision about what it means to stand for California:

“We stand for Dreamers, women, Labor, voting rights. We are Democrats and we say we are proud to do this!”

No mention of homelessness that is rampant. No mention of the high crime that continues to not be addressed. No mention of the small businesses that have been decimated and will never return. No mention of the children who lost a year and a half of their education.

Joe Biden, Kamala Harris, and Gavin Newsom truly deserve each other. They live in their own alternate reality. The people of California need to bring them all back to reality.

Six more days.