Wednesday, September 8, 2021

Four Gitmo Detainees Released in Berghdahl Swap are Now Taliban Ministers for Afghan Government

Interim Government Will Be 

Officially Introduced on Sept 11th

The official Taliban government of Afghanistan will be celebrated and introduced on September 11, 2021.    Four of the Afghanistan ministers appointed to government are former Gitmo detainees released during the Obama-era swap for captured U.S. service member Bowe Berghdahl, pictured below with new titles:

Afghanistan – […]  “The Islamic Emirate will take serious and effective steps towards protecting human rights, the rights of minorities as well as the rights of the underprivileged groups within the framework of the demands of the sacred religion of Islam,” reads the statement.

The new caretaker cabinet consists of the following people:

• Prime Minister (head of state): Mullah Hassan Akhund

• Deputy: Mullah Baradar

• Deputy: Mawlavi Hannafi

• Acting Minister of Defense: Mullah Yaqoub

• Acting Minister of Interior: Serajuddin Haqqani

• Acting Minister of Foreign Affairs: Mawlawi Amir Khan Muttaqi

• Acting Minister of Finance: Mullah Hedayatullah Badri

• Acting Minister of Education: Mawlawi Noorullah Munir

• Acting Minister of Information and Culture: Mullah Khairullah Khairkhah

• Acting Minister of Economy: Qari Din Hanif

• Acting Minister of Hajj: Mawlawi Noor Mohammad Saqib

• Acting Minister of Justice: Abdul Hakim Sharie

• Acting Minister of Borders and Tribal Affairs: Mullah Noorullah Noori

• Acting Minister of Rural Rehabilitation and Development: Mullah Mohammad Younus Akhundzada

• Acting Minister of Public Work: Mullah Abdul Manan Omari

• Acting Minister of Mines and Petroleum: Mullah Mohammad Esa Akhund

• Acting Minister of Water and Energy: Mullah Abdul Latif Mansoor

• Acting Minister of Civil Aviation and Transport: Mullah Hamidullah Akhundzada

• Acting Minister of Higher Education: Abdul Baqi Haqqani

• Acting Minister of Telecommunication: Najibullah Haqqani

• Acting Minister of Refugees: Khalilurahman Haqqani

• Acting Director of Intelligence: Abdul Haq Wasiq

• Acting Director of the Central Bank: Haji Mohammad Idris

• Acting Director of the Administrative Office of the President: Ahmad Jan Ahmady

• Acting Minister of Dawat-u-Ershad: Sheikh Mohammad Khalid

• Defense Deputy Minister: Mullah Mohammad Fazil

• Army Chief of Staff: Qari Fasihuddin

• Deputy Foreign Minister: Sher Mohammad Abbas Stanekzai

• Deputy Interior Minister: Mawlawi Noor Jalal

• Deputy Information and Culture Minister: Zabihullah Mujahid

• First Deputy of Intelligence Department: Mullah Tajmir Javad

• Administrative Deputy of Intelligence Department: Mullah Rahmatullah Najeeb

• Deputy Interior Minister for Counter Narcotics: Mullah Abdulhaq Akhund