Thursday, September 9, 2021

Blinken Says Taliban Blocking…

 Blinken Says Taliban Blocking Americans From Leaving Afghanistan, But Leaked Emails Suggest Otherwise


Update (1545ET): Fox News is reporting that the State Department refused to grand official approval for private evac flights from Afghanistan.

Furthermore, the State Department explicitly stated that charter flights, even those containing American citizens, would not be allowed to land at Defense Department(DOD) airbases. 

The Biden administration's delaying of private evacuation efforts has been a widespread source of frustration, infuriating rescue organizers and even a prominent Democratic senator

Eric Montalvo, who organized a series of private flights evacuating those stranded in Afghanistan, shared that email and others with Fox News after his evacuation efforts were repeatedly hampered by the federal bureaucracy. 

A Sept. 1 email that a State Department official sent to Montalvo underscores the extent to which private evacuation efforts have run into bureaucratic roadblocks. 

"No independent charters are allowed to land at [Al Udeid Air Base], the military airbase you mentioned in your communication with Samantha Power. In fact, no charters are allowed to land at an [sic] DoD base and most if not all countries in the Middle Eastern region, with the exception of perhaps Saudi Arabia will allow charters to land," the official wrote.  

"You need to find another destination country, and it can't be the U.S. either."

The official noted that though some third countries "may require" official approval from the State Department before accepting the private charter flights, the department "will not provide" that approval. 

"Once you have had discussions with the host/destination country and reached an agreement, they may require some indication from the USG that we ‘approve’ of this charter flight. DOS will not provide an approval, but we will provide a ‘no objection’ to the destination country government via the U.S. Embassy in that country."