Monday, September 6, 2021

Australia: All Non-Vaccinated Will Be Locked Out of Economy, Freedom Only Permitted to Vaccinated

Apparently the internet has been turned off for people in Australia.  That is the only reasonable explanation for how their political leadership can keep claiming that vaccinated people cannot contract the COVID virus.

{Press Conference Video}.

This claim is empirically refuted by every other nation who is seeing vaccinated people contracting COVID and “some” being hospitalized regardless of their vaccine status.

On a weirdly positive note it appears they have abandoned the regional Australian plan of “COVID-ZERO,” which was a plan to lock-down the entire nation, on a state-by-state basis, until they never had a single case of COVID and then re-open society.

They have abandoned that plan because it was abject nonsense from the outset; and reality showed the virus spreading despite their complete lock-down and quarantine protocols.  However, the latest COVID plan within the regional states is to use the enforcement of total vaccinated status before they will allow freedom.

In a press conference yesterday from Victoria, Premier Daniel Andrews proclaimed that vaccinated citizens in the state of Victoria will be allowed out of lockdown in the near future.  However, freedom as defined by access to medical treatment, the ability to work, shopping, attending events and engagement in the economy writ large, will not be permitted for any non-vaccinated citizen. Anyone who is not vaccinated will remain in locked-down isolation as enforced by the state.

Watch this segment to get a taste of the totalitarian propaganda.

The justification for withholding access to life in Victoria is based on a premise that vaccinated people do not contract COVID, therefore the coronavirus is a “virus of the unvaccinated.”  That statement is a completely false position.  As seen in the U.S., and all other nations around the world, the vaccinated population contracts COVID in the same way as the non-vaccinated.  Some studies have even shown the vaccinated population are susceptible to carrying higher loads of the virus than non-vaccinated individuals.

The vaccine provides zero-benefit from avoidance of the virus.  Any claim to the contrary is totally devoid of reality, science or empirical evidence.

In some nations -like Israel- there is more than a 90% vaccinated status, and yet the COVID virus is still infecting, spiking and creating large issues with hospitalization for those at greatest risk. A large percentage of that Israeli population is now triple-vaxxed; and yet the issues continue.   Conversely, in Sweeden and parts of the U.S, the economy and society is largely open and the variant viruses are running through the vaccinated and non-vaccinated population without a significantly disparate outcome.

Keep in mind the survival rate from infection is stunningly disconnected from the severity of these mitigation efforts.  The overall risks are very small except for those with pre-existing conditions that make them vulnerable to a respiratory virus.

Several weeks ago I would have dismissed opinion that Australia and New Zealand were some sort of testing ground for the ability of a government to control the activity of the population.  However, as I have watched the two nations conduct their COVID mitigation efforts; and contrast their claims against the reality of what is happening on the remaining parts of planet earth; I can no longer dismiss that theory…. in fact, I am becoming increasingly convinced that is exactly what is going on.

There is just no other way to explain the disconnect between: (1) what Australian political officials and state run health offices are saying; (2) the scale and scope of the totalitarian COVID mitigation efforts -writ large- they are executing; and (3) the reality of experiences in the rest of the civilized world.

The Australian government is not in an isolation bubble with the incapacity to see the world around them and communicate with other nations.  They know what is happening around the world and those worldwide events are completely contradictory from the decisions being made by the government officials down under.

What in happening in Australia and New Zealand for COVID mitigation is being done with intent and purpose; yet it is devoid of sense when contrast against the rest of the world.

Therefore, if we accept these officials are not literally stupid people; and if we accept they possess a reasonable constitution; the only reconciliation of their conduct is that some guiding element is instructing them to conduct their national affairs as if the experiences of the rest of the world are non-existent.  That would seem to affirm there is some sort of wide-spread social test happening down-under.

The most bizarre part of accepting the premise that Australia and New Zealand are testing grounds for government control in the 21st century, is then asking yourself how a nation of 25.5 million people cannot see their fishbowl of crazy.   Surely they still have access to the world-wide internet, or do they?  Are the Aussies and Kiwis able to use social media that connects them to other nations, or are there filters from Big Tech intended to support the government test?   Are journalists in Australia not capable of seeing the rest of the world?

I am not asking these questions out of some intent to be provocative or snarky; I genuinely cannot fathom how 25 million people cannot see the disconnect between the rules and regulations put upon them by their government and then contrast those restrictions against the visible outcomes in the rest of the world.

Australia seems to have become this weirdly antonymous state like North Korea.

Here’s the full press conference from Premier Daniel Andrews of Victoria.  He is quite passionate about following through with the rules he outlines.

If you have the time to watch this it is well worth it to gain a perspective on how the government is messaging to society with points about COVID that are completely and utterly false.  Perhaps it’s not a lie if they convince themselves to believe it….

Tell me if what Daniel Andrews is describing is not exactly THIS PICTURE:


More than a decade ago, CTH predicted this outcome for our nation if we did not wake up.