Monday, August 2, 2021

We Should NOT Comply!


Article by Kevin McCullough in Townhall

We Should NOT Comply!

The administration is literally out of gas.

None of their monetary policy (print it out of thing air by the bucket loads) has worked. People noticed.

None of their immigration policy (tell everyone to come, travel to neighboring nations & give US tax dollars away, beg & plead for their help) has worked. People noticed.

None of their anti-crime policy (threaten lawful gun owners with confiscation) has worked. People noticed.

None of their foreign policy (embolden Iran, play footsie with China, ask the UN to investigate Americans, take the side of the Cuban regime, undermine the Abraham accords) has worked. People noticed.

“So what will work,” Joe Biden ponders over his daily lime jello from his lunch tray?

“Say, when the campaign was going and blue state governors were bossing people around, and we choked off business, and forced everyone to stay home, we got elected,” he flashes back.

Well Mr. *President, this is 2021, and we know far too much to just go along with it like we were fear-porned into doing in 2020.

Never the less social media influencer Jack Posobiec reported this week.

White House chatter is that lockdowns for delta variant all but a done deal. Virtually all blue states are cooperating with WH / CDC. They’re aiming for late 2nd week of August, per WH official

Claiming that Delta is as contagious as Chicken Pox, Measles, and the like, the White House is banking on the media backing them, and the runway to take control.

The only problem being even some of the normal lockstep media aren’t playing their role.

The New York Times’ David Leonhardt went off message in the grey lady this week. 

He detailed some of the “mysteries” of CoVid19 and how specifically the Delta variant is turning out to not be the challenge the White House is wanting everyone to think it is.

The administration and their puppets at the CDC based their reversal of guidance this week upon a single study out of India. After all India was the place where Delta seemed to rage for a couple of months. And it is evidently (and I say “evidently” loosely because the CDC refuses to show us the data) the cause of a scary 83% of new CoVid infections in the US currently.

The only problem being that not only did the study from India get so panned by medical journals that they refused to publish it, but as Leonhardt points out in the Times, Delta rates are now plunging in India and Britain. He also notes that “experts” feared an intense regional breakout in Michigan that would sweep through the Midwest but ended up petering out.

The administration then points to the regularly faulty “new infection” numbers as proof that action must be taken. And the lapdog media is glad to oblige.

Last night on the 11:30p local NBC news in New York City, scary stories had large block font numbers showing for New York and New Jersey infections ran as high this week as they have since “M-ay.” The anchor even said the month’s name in dramatic fashion.

Yet as Dr. Nicole Saphier has said repeatedly on my show in New York, “infection rates are not the key indicator.” That would belong to hospitalizations and deaths.

As Dr. Martin Makary told my show this week, there are “roughly two hospitals” in the entire nation that are serving a slight uptick in CoVid beds and activity.

And while the mayor of Washington DC is playing along with Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s facade in the nation’s capital that the beltway is breaking out into crisis. DC only recorded one death where CoVid was present in the final two weeks of July, while eleven homicides occurred over that same period.

And circling back to those scary numbers about how current numbers compare to “May.”

The CDC removed the mask guidance on May 14, 2021. The rolling seven day average of deaths at the time is reported to have been 549 per day where CoVid was present. This past Wednesday, with all these scary infection numbers spiking—but not hospitalizations, the rolling seven day average was 296.

As Dr. Marc Siegel told my audience, there has been a spike in CoVid infections—almost exclusively amongst the unvaccinated. Dr. Makary clarified that saying that more precisely it’s occurring amongst the “non-immune.” He also expressed frustration that the CDC refuses to show the data on post-infection antibody positive persons. Long time health care authority former New York Lt. Governor Betsy McCaughey added that as with all other CoVid variants children are no more at risk of catching or transmitting Delta than any of the previous versions.

Never the less the White House is out of gas.

They have no plan to solve any of the major crises we’re facing, much less those their own policies have caused to worsen.

So what can they do?

Deny science, claim authority and fear-porn you into another locked down, masked up, existence of misery.

This time, we know more—a lot more, and we should not comply! 

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