Wednesday, August 4, 2021

WATCH: DeSantis Totally Wrecks Biden Over His Response to COVID at Border

Nick Arama reporting for RedState

Yesterday, Joe Biden went after Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis for banning mask mandates.

But DeSantis was not taking that lying down and he wasn’t shy about expressing himself in response.

DeSantis explained how Biden, when he ran, claimed he was going to “shut down the virus.” But now, Biden is actually making things much worse by allowing the import of the virus from all around the world through the Southern border.

Reporter Dave Hendricks reported that 13% of the illegal aliens being released in McAllen, Texas have tested positive for the virus.

Confirming that DeSantis was exactly right. But the media and Biden just want to ignore this news. So Biden will impose all kinds of restrictions on Americans, even reintroducing masks, while illegal aliens pour in at record numbers. July has the highest numbers yet again. It’s gone up every month Biden has been in office.

DeSantis ripped Biden for forcing little kids to wear masks.

“His solution is he wants to have the government force Kindergartners to wear masks in school… Well, I can tell you in Florida the parents are going to be the ones in charge of that decision.”

That’s when DeSantis shifted into high gear and finished Biden off.

“Why don’t you do your job?” DeSantis asked of Biden. “Until you do that, I don’t want to hear a blip about COVID from you.” Then he picked up his papers and walked off. Talk about a mic drop moment.