Sunday, August 22, 2021

The ‘American Taliban’ Bogeyman

A terror threat from foreign Muslims doesn’t advance the Left’s political agenda. 
An internal threat that gives them greater power and control does.

President Biden’s Afghanistan debacle reinserted the Taliban into America’s public discourse this week. The bearded jihadis now control the landlocked country again and experts worry this may lead to more Islamic terror. But most leftists aren’t shaken from the real threat to America: white Trump supporters. Leftists even now call them the “American Taliban.” 

Several months of propaganda that “domestic terrorists” threaten to overturn the government and kill millions of people isn’t going to disappear overnight in the face of an actual terror threat. The proponents of this insidious idea only exploit this situation to further commit themselves to their pet theory.

Late-night pundit Stephen Colbert thrilled his audience when he told them the real Taliban is at home. He supported Biden’s withdrawal because, as he said, we need our soldiers to fight the January 6 “radicals.” The notion our army should kill the political enemies of leftists drew wild applause from the crowd.

“American Taliban” trended on Twitter this week, thanks to the tech giant’s algorithm favoring insane liberal theories. Here are some of the tweets the platform decided to highlight:

Of course, this could be all dismissed as just a few hyperactive liberals engaging in cheap partisanship. But there were establishment voices saying similar things in the wake of the Afghan debacle.

The Department of Homeland Security issued a terror advisory ahead of the upcoming 9/11 anniversary just as Afghanistan collapsed. The advisory didn’t warn of Islamic terrorism or foreign threats—it warned of Americans who question official narratives. Two of the trends DHS identified as potential causes of terror were “opposition to COVID measures” and “claims of election fraud.” So if you don’t like vax mandates and feel there was something fishy in the 2020 election, you might be a terrorist! The federal government is certainly more worried about you than the actual Taliban.

There were also respected commentators who bemoaned how the Afghan situation distracted us from the real threat of white Americans. Political scientist Ian Bremmer told Bloomberg that the “principal terror threat to the United States is actually internal . . . it’s threats from white supremacy.” This is what the “experts” believe. 

The hatred for Trump supporters far outweighs any concern for Islamic terror. Just consider the sheer joy many liberals expressed over the Census report of white decline. Michael Moore said it was the “best day ever in U.S. history.” Washington Post columnist Jennifer Rubin stated it was “fabulous news. now we need to prevent minority White rule.” The audience for Jimmy Fallon’s “Tonight Show” went wild when he announced that America’s white population went down for the first time in history. Even Fallon was taken aback by the response.

For months, Joe Biden, the intelligence community, the military, and the media have insisted that white Trump supporters are the greatest threat to this country. Their evidence was just as good as the information that led them to think the Afghan government would endure, but that doesn’t matter. Their enemy isn’t Islamic terrorists shouting death to America—it’s conservatives who refuse to obey their orders. 

That’s why the new situation in Afghanistan won’t change their priorities. A terror threat from foreign Muslims doesn’t advance their political agenda. An internal threat that gives them greater power and control does. The American Taliban is a far more convenient enemy.