Saturday, August 21, 2021

Taliban unit wears US military gear to mock famous WWII photo


An elite Taliban fighting unit known as the Badri 313 Battalion has been spreading propaganda while wearing captured American military gear and posted one photo appearing to mock the iconic World War II photo, Raising the Flag on Iwo Jima.

It is believed that they came across the gear which used to belong to American soldiers and US allies while going on patrols in the captured city of Kabul. The unit has also been seen driving around in armored Humvees.



The Taliban are also reportedly searching "door to

door" for US-involved collaborators and groups at this time. They are also reportedly negotiating with UNICEF on subjects such as women's rights to education.

According to Fox News, the deputy director of the Center for International Policy's Security Assistance Monitor, Elias Yousif, commented:

"When an armed group gets their hands on American-made weaponry, it's sort of a status symbol. It's a psychological win."

"Clearly, this is an indictment of the U.S. security cooperation enterprise broadly. It really should raise a lot of concerns about what is the wider enterprise that is going on every single day, whether that's in the Middle East, Sub-Saharan Africa, East Asia," he said on the matter.