Friday, August 6, 2021

Psaki Admits They Have 'Guidelines' They've Given to Private Businesses to 'Police' Proof of Vaccination

Nick Arama reporting for RedState 

We’ve been seeing the Democrats bandying about the concept of vaccine passports for a while.

Now, with them pushing fear porn about the Delta variant, we hearing more about that. New York City just announced this week that they would be requiring evidence of vaccination before being allowed into places like restaurants and gyms. Mayor Bill de Blasio said they were specifically doing that to try to force the vaccine-hesitant to get the shot.

Biden has said that he fully endorses such ideas.

That’s how they get around not having a federal mandate, they just go through the backdoor and try to push behind the scenes, shaming everyone into it, hoping to create social pressure to have businesses, schools and organizations make it mandatory.

Today, White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki said perhaps a little more than she intended to say, revealing that they actually had “guidelines” that they were talking with private businesses in how to “police” requiring vaccine passports/proof.

First, Psaki repeated what Biden said that they supported the concept. Then she went further. “We want to ensure that it’s done in a transparent way, that it’s in an equitable way, that if there are verification requirements — it can be done digitally, there are a range of ways to provide the information — so there are basic guidelines along those lines that we have conveyed and that we will continue to convey.”

So no, we’re not instituting a national mandatory vaccine passport. We’re just encouraging businesses to do it and telling them how we think it should be done. But we’re not really doing it. Meanwhile, as they try to slip this stuff past us and claim that restrictions are for our “own good,” illegal aliens from all over the world are pouring through the Southern border at a record pace, increasing each month that Biden has been in office, and Psaki also had to admit that some of those folks are positive for the Wuhan coronavirus.

They’re being overwhelmed in McAllen.

According to the city of McAllen, since mid-February of 2021, there have been over 7,000 confirmed COVID-19 positive immigrants released into the City of McAllen by CBP, including over 1,500 new cases in the past seven days. [….]

Cortez also told ValleyCentral the infection rate for migrants rose to a shocking 16%, doubling the numbers from last time. Sister Norma Pimentel of the Catholic Charities of the Rio Grande Valley also says the federal government needs to step in.

Both Cortez and McAllen Mayor Javier Villalobos said they have not heard “a single word” from the federal government.

The federal government is too busy trying to pushing restrictions on Americans.