Friday, August 27, 2021

Pelosi and Co. Abandon Biden and Leave Town as Kabul Attacks Continue

Brandon Morse reporting for RedState 

Despite Americans being stuck in Afghanistan and members of our military dying in attacks made on the Kabul airport, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and other House Democrats have decided now was a good time to close up shop, leaving President Joe Biden with the Afghanistan mess.

According to Fox News, Pelosi and the Democrats stayed only so long as to work on domestic legislative agendas and then left. With the Senate also out, Biden and his advisors are the only Democrats around to deal with the crisis.

House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy lambasted Pelosi and the Democrats over their seeming lack of concern as to what’s happening to Americans overseas:

House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy, R-Calif., slammed Pelosi, D-Calif., over what he alleged was a lack of focus on the most important issue of the moment.

Pelosi was around the Capitol “late into the night” working on Democrats’ spending agenda, McCarthy said, but “not one moment of that time was spent on getting Americans home from Afghanistan.”

McCarthy continued: “What do you think those Americans were doing late at night, trying to find a path to get to that airport?… Not one moment was spent on – not one dollar was passed this time in Congress. Five trillion, just deemed not debated, none of that money going to help an American get back.”

As reported by Bonchie earlier Thursday, the death toll of the U.S. military is rising swiftly. As of this report, 12 servicemembers have been killed in Kabul, with 11 Marines and one Navy medic. Attacks are expected to continue, undoubtedly resulting in more casualties among those stuck at the Kabul airport. Sadly, Fox News reported that video footage signifies that the death toll may be even higher than we currently know.

What’s more, it’s increasingly looking like Americans will be left behind. Reports indicate that around 1,500 U.S. citizens were still in Afghanistan looking for a way to get home, and have only had contact with around 500 of them.

None of this apparently moved Pelosi or the Democrats who didn’t bother looking at any Afghanistan-related legislation before calling an end to their two-day session for the week. Just a Democrat-backed election bill and a $3.5 trillion spending plan.

The amount of care Democrats seem to really have for the Americans stuck in Afghanistan is very little. The White House had to cut Biden’s microphone as he actually cracked a joke about the entire situation on Wednesday.