Saturday, August 7, 2021

NCIS LA: Exploring Hetty and Callen's relationship

(Season 6 pic that I really like, I think it looks 'guardian angel' like)

Throughout NCIS LA, it becomes clear that the relationship of OPS Manager Hetty and Special Agent Callen is more then just 'friendly'. This article will explore that unique relationship. 

(Of all of Hetty's relationships with her team, this one is my absolute favorite! There's also a lot of spoilers down below, so if you don't want to be spoiled, look away until you've seen the first 9 or so Seasons.)

Throughout the Show:

From the very first episode, it becomes clear that Hetty and Callen have a different sort of friendship then just 'boss' and 'agent'. Callen walks into the building, Hetty is surprised that he's back so soon, and he says:

(Then Hetty gives him a silly look)

Then at the end of the episode, she sees Callen sleeping on the couch at work. Rather then wake him up, She gives him a blanket and goes home.

The first 2 Seasons are filled with special moments, like Hetty giving him words of wisdom, him being concerned about her (more on that in a bit), Then there's this special moment from Season 2's Tin Soldiers:

HETTY: You see what happens when you pull away from your team? [She speaks to Callen who stares at the others]
CALLEN: My team? I didn’t hire Deeks, or any of them, for that matter.
HETTY: No. If I left the hiring up to you, you’d be the only person working here.
CALLEN: Are you saying that I don’t play well with others, Hetty?
HETTY: I’m suggesting that your default is to go it alone when you may be needing them most. I like to think that I impart a certain wisdom and skill set to those who pass through these doors. The one wish I have for you, Mr. Callen, is that, by the time you leave here, you’ve learned the art of trusting others. In your personal life as well as at work.

Moments like this show that Hetty has Callen's best interests at heart.

Then at the end of Season 1, it was revealed that someone had been keeping track of Callen from his days in the foster care system.

Then in Season 3, it was revealed that Hetty knew Callen's mom from her days in the CIA, and that she was unable to save her from being killed (more on that later). And that Hetty had known Callen for a long time, and that she was the one who had been keeping track of every foster home he had been in.

This meant that out of guilt, and of love, Hetty had taken it upon herself to make sure Callen had grown up with a family. 

Their relationship continued to grow and have it's bumps along the way. Then at the end of Season 6 episode 'Rage', Callen revealed that he ran away from his last foster home at 15, became a delinquent, stole a police cruiser and crashed it, would've gone to jail, until Hetty showed up and kept him from going to jail, and raised him until he was 18.

(How emotional do I get when I think of this scene? Not saying.)

This is a very important moment. It proved once and for all that Hetty and Callen's relationship was indeed 'mother/son' like, as most of their moments throughout the show up to this point seemed to hint at.

As for if Hetty thought of Callen as a son, that gets confirmed at the end of Season 9 when she says, out loud, that Callen is the closest to a son she's ever had.

Similarities to each other:

(From Season 11's 'The Circle. I just love the way they look at each other sometimes.)

Hetty and Callen are definitely similar to each other in plenty of ways.

They both have difficult pasts. They are both ex-spies, and are used to the secret keeping thing, and have trust issues with certain people.

They both had difficult childhoods. Callen was orphaned at 5 years old, Hetty was orphaned as a baby. Callen was in multiple foster homes, I assume Hetty was adopted at an early age, though nothing in the show's canon brings that up.

They both like to go to the extreme to protect each other. Like going rogue or disappearing without a word.

They both love the team and would hate to see anything happen not just to the agents, but to each other.

Protecting one another:

(Season 2's Absolution)

1 thing that both Hetty and Callen will do, is go to great lengths to protect one another, and be concerned about the other's safety.

In Season 2's Human Traffic, when Hetty went to that bar to see Deeks, Callen tailed her to make sure she was alright. 

Then in Season 2's Absolution and Deliverance, one of Hetty's old foes came to town, and Callen went in full protective mode. Like saying this really cute line in the armory:

'Forgive me if I don't want to let you out of my sight'.

He even (like in 1 of the pics above) gave her a gun to protect herself when she went to meet the foe in Absolution!

At the end of Deliverance, he took it one step further. He and the team cornered the foe in the garage and gave him a severe warning of what would happen if he came after Hetty again.

Hetty's also done things to protect Callen as well. At the end of Season 2, she took an incredible risk, and ran off to Prague to try and convince blood thirsty gypsies who wanted Callen dead, that he had died so they wouldn't come after him. And in return, Callen and the whole team went to find her.

Another big example is in Season 4's Collateral, when Hetty shot someone to protect Callen.

In Season 6, Callen went into 'protective son' mode again when he heard that while in DC, Hetty had collapsed and was being taken to the hospital, he wanted to board a flight and fly to DC immediately! (it was later revealed that she faked the collapse. As for why, I ain't saying!).

Then an episode later, he offered up all of his savings to draw out someone who was after Hetty.

In Season 7, Callen did something stupid, and Hetty was willing to do something crazy to try and stop him. (I won't say what, but it's pretty nuts!)

Then in Season 8, when the whole team was in danger, Hetty took an amazing risk to try to draw out the perp who was after the whole team. (1 of this show's best 3 parters)

Then in Season 9, Hetty got into trouble, and Callen and the whole team came to her aid. (still not going to say what it was, so don't try asking!)

(I'm all crying eyes emoji inside whenever I think of this moment!)

Finally, In Season 11, 'protective son' Callen was back in a stunning call back to Season 3 when someone Hetty knew from her past wanted her dead.

The moments where they would do anything to protect each other, are some of my personal favorites.

(As for where I'm getting some of this pics, I've seen most of them on Tumblr, and a couple of these are either fanart or from gif sets.)

The Little Moments:

Hetty and Callen have had their big moments, but they've also had a bunch of little moments as well.

Like Callen saying something cheeky on more then 1 ocassion.

Like this cute moment from Season 1 when Callen was being silly:

Like when they're just sharing a drink with each other that the end of a long day.

Or when Hetty tries to help out on a case.

Or like this ridiculously silly rock wall climbing competition from Season 2's Archangel:

There's a ton of little moments scattered throughout the show between these 2. And they're all worth discovering.

To wrap this up:

Seasons 1-9 are rich with Hetty and Callen moments. Unfortunately, there haven't been very many these last 3 Seasons, not just due to what happened before Season 10 started filming, but because of, well. You can probably guess what I mean by what happened last Season. (There actually wasn't any moments between them in Season 12 at all!! In fact, the last time they were even in a scene together was Season 11's Fortune favors the Brave!)

My big wish for Season 13 is that there is finally some kind of moment between them again, whether it be in her office, or over the phone or one of the computer screens in the building.

I'll end this with a very heartwarming quote from Season 4's Raven and the Swans:

'There were many factors that conspired against me having my own family. But I did my very best to take care of those who fell under my wing.'

'I think you would've made a great mother, Hetty.'

'Thank you Mr. Callen. I'd like to think I have.'

So, what'd you all think? Agree or disagree? Any moments your personal favorite? Feel free to say so in the comments!

Season 13 of NCIS LA starts October 10 at 9pm on CBS.