Monday, August 30, 2021

It’s Not the Dementia, Stupid

To blame Biden’s apparent mental incapacity is to 
let the Left off the hook for a half-century of disasters.

The conservative media have stopped whispering the word dementia. When discussing the horror show in Afghanistan and Joe Biden’s many failures, dementia is being blamed, loud and long. This is a mistake. Blaming dementia is in its own way letting Biden off the hook. After all, no one can help getting old and sick. Tucker Carlson even said he feels sorry for this poor, addled old man, who just got 14 U.S. service members killed. In playing the dementia card, conservatives are, once again, snatching defeat from certain victory.

The problem is not Biden’s illness. The problem is Biden’s lifelong commitment to the left-wing ideology of America hatred. To blame dementia is to let Democrats off the hook for a half-century of disasters.

Throughout 2020, Biden was portrayed as a moderate by the mainstream media and NeverTrumpers, but I repeat myself. I suppose when the opposition is Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.), even Lenin looks like a moderate. The truth is that as a senator, Biden’s voting record was to the left of Barack Obama. For his entire long career, Biden pushed state overreach and America-last foreign policy. All of the actions Biden has taken so far as president are completely in keeping with his history.

Biden didn’t start hamstringing our allies because of age-induced dementia. In 1975, Biden told President Gerald Ford he would not vote to protect our allies in South Vietnam; not one penny for protecting our endangered allies. As a member of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, Biden refused to even attempt to save those in South Vietnam who had aided the United States. Biden insisted that our South Vietnamese allies be left to the mercy of an enraged Vietcong.

During the Cold War, Biden was firmly on the side of the Communists. He fought to stop Ronald Reagan’s hard stance against the Soviet Union. He voted against the Strategic Defense Initiative. Reagan himself put the finger on Biden’s extremism: “[There was] some talk about Sen. Biden—now candidate for Pres. I saw him on CNN last night speaking to the John F. Kennedy school at Harvard U. He’s a smooth but pure demagog[ue]—out to save Am[erica] from the Reagan doctrine.” 

As Obama’s vice president, Biden objected to the military operation that finally caught and killed Osama bin Laden. As president, his administration handed the Taliban a list of Afghans who aided the United States. 

This is not dementia. This is the same political philosophy Biden has always followed. 

Abandoning our allies to sociopathic killers is what Biden has always done. It is what he will always do as long as Americans are deranged enough to vote for him.

This disaster did not happen because a very old man is very old. This is an anti-American leftist following the same playbook he has used his entire life and career. Biden has always rewarded America’s enemies and punished America’s allies. Biden of 40 years ago did the same thing supposedly dementia-stricken Biden does today. 

This is what the Left is and what the Left believes. America’s enemies first. America last. Biden is not a bad president because his mind is failing. Biden is a bad president because he is a man of the Left. Any other left-wing president would make the same mistakes, and cause the same disasters. That is the salient point conservatives must make. Stop feeling sorry for the poor, old, sick man in the White House. Start railing at the left-wing philosophy that damages our country again and again.