Tuesday, August 3, 2021

Hammer Drops for Gov. Cuomo as NYAG Finds He Sexually Harassed Multiple Women

Though New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo and his handlers in recent weeks have sought to cast doubt on the investigation by State Attorney General Letitia James into multiple sexual harassment allegations against him by suggesting at least one of her independent investigators and possibly even James herself was motivated by politics, he’s also repeatedly told New Yorkers to wait for the process to play out, assuring them that what the AG’s office ultimately found would clarify matters in a way that would absolve him of wrongdoing.

Well, James has just today released her findings, and suffice it to say that the hot water Cuomo landed himself in earlier this year when the first allegation came to light has now started boiling over:

ALBANY – Gov. Andrew Cuomo sexually harassed multiple women in violation of state and federal laws as well as the executive chamber’s own written policies, according to a long-anticipated report Tuesday from the state Attorney General’s Office.

The bombshell report by a pair of attorneys selected by Attorney General Letitia James details cases of harassment by the governor that include unwanted groping, kissing, hugging and inappropriate comments directed toward current and former employees. 

It also contends Cuomo and his senior staff had retaliated against at least one former employee, fostered a toxic workplace that enabled the harassment to occur and created a hostile work environment.

It appears that the investigation was incredibly thorough:

Language warning:

The full report released by James is 168 pages long. You can read it here.

While it was extensive, James stopped short of calling for a criminal prosecution of Gov. Cuomo:

No doubt the calls from Democrats and Republicans alike for Cuomo to resign in light of this report will get louder in the coming days:

An FBI investigation into his handling of the Wuhan virus pandemic – specifically his deadly nursing home order and the coverup that followed – is still ongoing. So more hammers could soon be dropping in the near future for the embattled Governor once dubbed “the Luv Guv” by the New York Post.

As always, stay tuned.