Saturday, August 21, 2021

Fox News and PBS Have Mysterious Edits In Their Uploaded Replay Versions of Biden’s Press Conference

Last week Fox News was caught by Liz Harrington doing a “jump edit” to cut out a response by President Trump during the Dan Bongino television program.  [Story Here] Today, in another transparent effort to manipulate their preferred narrative, Fox News did it again with Joe Biden’s press conference response.

To see the Fox News edit, go to the video of the press conference they uploaded at 22:42 – 22:43.   You will notice something weirdly missing in the answer from Joe Biden.  WATCH (Prompted to 22:40 for convenience):

UPDATE:  The plot thickens, as PBS did the same thing (and they are two different feeds)…

See the video below to watch what Fox News and PBS edited out:

It is clear an intentional edit took place to remove the embarrassing response from Biden.

However, it doesn’t stop there….

Now, check out the PBS Version….

You can see the PBS Edit at 21:29 of their upload. WATCH: