Thursday, August 26, 2021

Can America Survive the ….

 Can America Survive the Biden Administration?

AP Photo/Evan Vucci

The question that many Americans are now asking themselves is whether the United States can survive another three and a half years of a Democrat administration. Under its stewardship, a short period of merely a few months has seen the country sink into a morass of increasing social dissension, mounting debt, growing unemployment, the dismantling of central industries, gross mismanagement across the board, military embarrassment, policy failure, and international humiliation. 

The nation is ruled by a president who seems to be in the terminal stages of galloping dementia. His potential replacement resembles a cackling witch with the intelligence of a feral child. The Senate majority leader is by all reasonable accounts a candidate for intensive psychotherapy. What unites these three presumptive authorities is a triple condition consisting of (a) contempt for the country they were elected or appointed to serve; (b) an intelligence quotient at the low end of the bell curve; and (c) an insatiable lust for the spoils of financial jobbery and unmitigated power.

One thinks of the three-headed (or rather, triple-faced) Satan immured in the fourth ring of the ninth circle of Dante’s Inferno. Only, Dante’s Satan is portrayed as devouring three of history’s grievous traitors (Judas, Brutus, Cassius), while the Beltway triumvirate is engaged in coddling and caressing the nation’s exploiters and betrayers, “those who are treacherous to their benefactors,” that is, to the people who trusted them. Dante describes an upside-down world that must be turned right-side-up even in the midst of turmoil and confusion:

Now let all those whose dull minds are vexed

By failure to understand what point it was

I had passed through, judge if I was perplexed.

I am convinced if events continue as they do at present, the nation that prepares for the 2024 election will be unrecognizable. The fiasco that is Afghanistan will have been the least of its problems—merely a symptom of what was to come. Taiwan, a dependable ally, will be lost to the monstrous appetites of a rogue regime, aka Communist China. Russia will have exerted pipeline domination over Germany and middle Europe. The Baltic states will be threatened by re-incorporation into the new incarnation of the “Evil Empire” they managed briefly to escape. Radical Islam will have been gifted with a new lease on life. The Western alliance will have disintegrated. The world’s economy will be tottering. And America itself will have been catastrophically weakened by a Woke military, rampant inflation, massive corruption, a millennial surge in illegal immigration, energy dependence, artificially fomented racial tensions, electoral malfeasance, oligarchic censorship, and runaway flashpoints of internal conflict. On any rational estimate, this is what the future may plausibly look like. The present is an alarmingly close facsimile.

The inflexion point was the last “irregular” election, although the debacle has a long prehistory. There is such a thing as historical momentum. When a nation decides to die, there is precious little that can prevent it. Arnold Toynbee wisely said that civilizations die by suicide, not murder. The same prescription applies to nations. If a cataclysm is somehow to be averted, the time is approximately now.

As Richard Fernandez warns in the aptly titled article “Chaos on the Ground, Collapse at the Top,” the catastrophe will not end until “the U.S. has found a constitutional way to clean house.” We recall, however, that the American constitutional tradition relies to a great extent on Biblical precedents. “The founders valued the Bible,” writes Daniel Dreisbach in The Philadelphia Inquirer, “for its insights into human nature, civic virtue, social order, political authority, the rights and duties of citizens, and other concepts essential to framing a new political society.” 

It is no accident that the American Constitution, one of the greatest political documents ever penned by man, on a par with the Magna Carta, owes its force and uniqueness to Scripture. Writing in Newsweek, Kurt Eichenwald points out that “historians are discovering that the Bible, perhaps even more than the Constitution, is our founding document.” Indeed, one cannot do better than to consult the American Patriot’s Bible, a volume that should be read and studied by concerned citizens who wish to understand the nature of their act of establishment and its debt to the Abrahamic Covenant.

A reawakening to the majesty of the Constitution and its scriptural warrant is the single route to “cleaning house,” to “Making America Great Again,” to rescuing the nation from the malign agenda of its domestic enemies who seek only profit and power rather than pride in accomplishment and commitment to what once was called its “manifest destiny.” In the current climate of apathy, nihilism, and deep perplexity, this may seem like an insurmountable task. Yet, a return to the source and its evident belief in providence remains the indispensable factor in the quest for national recovery. I am not a communicant, and yet I sense that only a miracle, perhaps Divine intervention via a cadre of chosen warriors loyal to the spiritual and doctrinal origins of the nation, can save America now.