Thursday, August 5, 2021

Biden: So what if the eviction moratorium is unconstitutional

So much for “preserve, protect and defend
 the Constitution of the United States.”

Yesterday, despite the Sixth Circuit court already ruling that the CDC does not have the authority to create this eviction moratorium, the CDC extended the eviction moratorium for another two months.

And how did President Biden respond? Sure, it’s unconstitutional, but we’re doing it anyway. Worse still, Biden admitted yesterday that allowing an unconstitutional eviction moratorium to continue will give them time to send out rental assistance checks as any lawsuits challenging it work their way through the courts.

But as Georgetown law professor Jonathan Turley pointed out yesterday on Twitter, the first step any court will take is to order an injunction halting the program while it works its way through court. In other words, Biden won’t be buying time at all.

Unless of course the Administration simply chooses to ignore any injunction from the court.

And given this administration’s past practice, that’s a distinct possibility.

A federal court also barred the Biden administration from processing any new applicants into the DACA program. They’re defying the order and still processing new applicants anyway.

I’m trying to imagine former President Trump admitting on camera that he is knowingly going to violate the Constitution. Holy mackerel. Could you imagine the hue and cry?

All those ResistanceLOL screamers would have been rending their garments and gnashing their teeth over the “dangerous” “fascist” undermining our “democracy.”

They’re not doing that now though. Nope. Instead, they’re praising Biden for defying the court and forcing through an unconstitutional moratorium while screwing over every single American who owns a rental property.

In order to perpetrate his war against working class Americans, this decrepit old shit won’t even let the US Constitution get in his way. Hell, he doesn’t even have the decency to hide what he’s doing. Instead, he admits, hey, sure it’s unconstitutional, but we’re doing it anyway.

And the people who will pay a heavy price for this eviction moratorium are told to pound sand.

Actually, they aren’t just told to pound sand. They’re being threatened with jail. The CDC – which is not a legislative body – has declared that any landlord that does not obey its eviction moratorium dictate will face prison and fines.

What a shit-show.

But hey. No more mean tweets about Mika and Joe, am I right?