Saturday, August 21, 2021

A Letter to the Pro So called Covid Virus Vaccine and Pro Face Muzzle Crowd


This letter isn't just for Americans, but for everyone all around the world.

Dear nut jobs who are all for the so called 'COVID Vaccine' and love wearing those pieces of cloth taped to their faces:

How do you people think the way you do? Like, what goes through your minds are you consume all these 'facts' on this so called COVID 19 virus on networks like ABC, CBS, NBC, CNN?

Do any of you really like being lied to by so called 'journalists' who sound dumber then me fiddling with 9th grade Algebra? Yeah, all those so called 'facts' and 'science' on how taping pieces of cloth to your faces for hours and hours every day will keep you safe from a virus that was let loose from a Stage 4 lab in Wuhan? They are all lies.

A piece of cloth taped to your face is as useful as thinking a chain link fence will keep out mosquitoes. All that muzzle does, other then make you look ridiculous, is make you breathe in your own bacteria (gross!) and very likely make you sick. And with 2 pieces of cloth taped to your face? You're basically cutting off your own oxygen!

Do any of you really like that? Not being able to breathe, or speak clearly with your face covered? Or have you always been this dumb?

Anyone who says that wearing a muzzle on your face and staying away from people will keep you alive from this oh-so-scary virus (that has a 99% survival rate!), is a big fat LIAR!! Any real smart doctor or scientist will tell you that these so called 'precautions' are completely useless. Also, those so called 'high death numbers'? Completely fabricated, the CDC even admitted it.

Want a real example of how dumb you all are? Take myself for example. Over the past year, I've gone outside and in buildings plenty of times. I have never worn a muzzle on my face, or deliberately 'social distanced', and I am still alive!! Also, I haven't gotten sick!! How can that be?! Shouldn't I be dead by now because of those actions?!

You are all idiots.

Also, these called 'vaccines' that claim to protect you all from the 'scarier then flu, heart disease and cancer' virus that you want everyone to take all so you can have your 'false security blankets'? They are very far from affective. In fact, most people who have gotten them, have either gotten very sick, or even died! Yes, I have seen real reports of these events!

Are you so dumb, that you will, with no questions asked, let yourself be jabbed with an unapproved 'vaccine' that will most likely kill you down the road all because the all mighty 'TV scientists and doctors' (that sound completely fake and dumb!) tell you that you must? I, have no words for this kind of stupidity. Other then 'were you dropped on your heads as a child?'

It's one thing to do this kind of stupidity to yourselves, but when you all try to force us all to participate in your stupidity, you are all asking for trouble!

We freedom loving (and smarter then all of you!) peeps want to go back to our normal lives where we weren't told to 'kindly muzzle our faces or stay 6 feet apart from people for the good of society', and if you think you can keep us from doing that, you all got another thing coming!

You try to bully us, or force us to muzzle our faces or take an 'unproven and will likely kill you jab, we will resist, we will peacefully protest outside buildings that enforce the awful jab for customers or workers. We will do everything we legally can to live our freedom loving lives.

You scaredy cats who have been brainwashed can't stop us. And before you say 'well the government will make you take the jab and muzzle your face', here's a truth bomb: The government works for us, not the other way around. We have rights to protest unfair and unscientific laws that aren't really laws at all. 

You cowards can continue to live in your home scared of the world with your face muzzles all you want, but mark my words, in the next few months, you will all find out just how wrong you all were to believe in the lies of Mainstream Media, and to try to make us participate in your stupidity! People are fighting back against your stupidity every day all over the world, and they are winning! We love our freedom, and if you don't like that, then stay in your homes with you 5 face diapers taped to your faces!

I pray to God most of you cowards realize you've been lied to, but I'm not holding my breath.

Signed: Every freedom loving person who is angry and fed up, and wants their lives to go back to normal before the evil government forced it's evil down on us.
