Tuesday, July 20, 2021

The Fraudulent Twenties

Article by Believe it!

In times past, society at large has attempted to encapsulate the overall theme of a particular decade as well as the collective consciousness of the people who lived through those years. This usually takes place toward the end of said decade of interest or retroactively by historians through research and debate once all the portends have already played out and the defining events are blatantly observable. An easy example to point to are the "Roaring Twenties", characterized by abundant prosperity, consumer indulgence to match, rampant alcohol distribution and use, and of course the ensuing riotous living. However, when it comes to the painfully obvious reality smacking us in our mask-free faces nowadays, the descriptor for our very own second decade already is crystal clear.

So without further adieu, allow me, Believe it!, to be the first to coin the term that shall forever be immortalized in the public psyche for generations to come. The decade of 2020 is henceforth known as...

The Fraudulent Twenties

Let's begin at the top, shall we? President Trump gave the State of the Union address, in which he highlighted the potential danger of the China virus and how it would behoove America to muster a sensible response to preventing its spread and developing a treatment. Nasty Pelosi ripped up that speech on live TV and then went on to encourage people to come to Chinatown.

Then, thanks to the "experts" in the government, we got lock-downs and draconian restrictions placed on: travel, peaceful assembly, expression of religion, ability to work, or in some cases even leave the house. And what was the government's answer to people needing income to survive for three weeks... which turned into three months or longer? Socialist checks being sent out each week, and in many cases the pay was twice as much as what people made working. Meanwhile the "essential" workers, get to keep working harder hours at the same or slightly better wages. They said these measures were to "flatten the curve" and relieve stress on hospitals, since apparently nurses needed more time to twerk on TikTok. The truth of hospitals being almost completely empty, as people put off treatment of serious illnesses, was suppressed by the fake news media. The real reason for the virus and the ensuing lock-downs were to crush the American economy, blame Trump for it, and create a basis on which to justify mass mail-in "voting", which is the most vulnerable existing method to election fraud.

The only other fabricated story that could distract from the WuFlu deception was the drug fueled death of George "Fentanyl" Floyd. Of course, the WuFlu had to go away for a while so BLM and ANTIFA could riot, vandalize, and loot without those pesky COVID restrictions hindering their "mostly peaceful" destruction. It was later discovered that Floyd died of a heart attack, induced mostly by the dangerous levels of Fentanyl in his system. In fact, the cop who put him to the ground didn't actually have his knee on Floyd's neck. Yet democrats and FBI agents alike adopted Chauvin's posture in order to show fake solidarity with the black community. Seems odd to believe a cop knelt on Floyd's neck and then mimic that same pose. Are they paying tribute to the image they could use to exploit black Americans further?

Speaking of tribute, to compound this fraud, Fentanyl Floyd gets a memorial, meanwhile prominent figures of American history get toppled over phony accusations of racism. Robert E. Lee's statue was removed despite the fact he never owned a slave. But that's cool. Honor a drug addicted pornographer and counterfeiter (of a fake $20 no less). So appropriate in the Decade of Fraud. As for Chauvin, he was convicted of involuntary manslaughter AND murder with intent at the same time. How does that one work? How can you both kill someone on accident and intentionally? I guess when it comes to black lies, facts don't matter. Just ask the activist who lied to get onto Chauvin's jury of peers.

Hence we come to the 1619 Project.
 Hey folks. Did you know America wasn't founded on the date that official documents indicate, but rather on a date which modern day liberals claim it was? Me neither. But in the Fraudulent 20's this is now par for the course. This is to brainwash the youth with the notion that the United States was founded on slavery of black people. A complete lie, but if you disagree, then they call you the racist. Or Uncle Tom, if you happen to be black while speaking out against this deception. Same goes for Critical Race Theory, a thinly veiled racist ideology that has its roots in Marxism. It's pushed as being anti-racist, while the patriots who stand against it are demonized. Which reminds me…

The hacks in the FBI ignore leftist fraud and violence, and even bend the knee to it, while committing it themselves against Jan 6th protesters. Mislabeled as an insurrection or riot, video quickly emerged of D.C. police waving people in and telling them they were allowed to be there, just so they could be prosecuted later. Meanwhile BLM and ANTIFA are the ones burning things down with impunity, oh, AND breaking into the Crapitol building. The ones leading the charge on Jan 6th to break windows were in fact ANTIFA posing as Trump supporters. Many of these people have not been prosecuted or even arrested. How many were doing dirty work for the FBI?

And to remain on the subject of FBI
hacks... Colonial pipe line supposedly gets hacked and their files encrypted, and they pay $5 million to the hackers even though, get this, they had the backup files needed to restore their own systems, and because the decryption was taking too long they ended up using those backups anyway! Does anyone really buy that story? They paid all that money to back up their systems in the first place, then they choose to pay the ransom anyway? And if time was of the essence as they claim, then why bother paying the ransom at all? Just back up the systems immediately. No, the pipe line was ordered turned off by the government to raise gas prices. The company launders money and gets to write it off as a loss, or they take advantage of any insurance policy they might have and that money goes to the government, which admitted to "getting most of the money back" later. Same thing with the meat company hack. Isn't it convenient that these targets are also targets of democrat political policies? Global warming activists condemn carbon fuels and raising livestock that they think contribute significantly to methane pollution. Even as they prop up China, the largest polluter in the world.

That report about Biden giving a list of targets to Russia is nothing but a plan by the Deep State to set up a scapegoat for the hacks the federal government will be carrying out throughout the Fraudulent Twenties. Yeah, supposedly anything in America can be hacked (except the election machines of course). So whenever they hack an industry the Deep State doesn't like or isn't playing ball with them, they'll just blame it on Russia and say it was on the list of industries Biden told them not to hack. In truth, Biden doesn't even understand what's on that list. He didn't make the list, and he didn't research anything that was on it. He can't even speak to another country's leader without notes to keep him on script. No, this is all Deep State, which wants to own businesses and companies in order to control the population indirectly.

We already know the government is colluding with tech corporations to silence dissenting voices, in violation of the 1st Amendment. This happened most obviously with suppressing Trump during the election. His statements against China, the origins of the virus, and the emerging treatments for it were all suppressed and tagged with a message that attempted to make his statements seem unreliable. Trump was finally banned for posting Tweets about the election fraud, as were many others.

Thus we reach the major issue of the article. The 2020 election fraud was so massive that even fake news CNN managed to accidentally show it happen in real time, as vote totals for Trump decreased in the thousands and Biden's totals increased by the same amount. There is no way that can happen unless totals are being switched electronically. A "correction" in the thousands means every county's precincts reporting their results would all need to mess up in their counts at the same time, and to the tune of about 100 votes or more. Antrim County Michigan was the first to expose Dominion machines having the ability to switch votes, an event the corrupt democrat government in Michigan blamed on a down-ballot race being added at the last moment. This was easily debunked once a great patriot and attorney Matthew DePerno was granted access to the machines by a judge.

Georgia also exposed this when a poll worker showed how easy it was to scan blank ballots and then mark selections on the digital image of it, then send it through as a vote counted toward whatever candidate the adjudicator wished. We also saw video of Ruby Freeman scanning a batch of hidden ballots numerous times, which Dominion purposely set up to facilitate cheating. These secret ballots had been placed there early in the morning, and only pulled out after poll observers were told to leave the building due to a water main bursting. The election director assured the observers that the poll workers were done for the night, and would be leaving also. All a hoax. Soon after the observers left, the cheaters pulled out the hidden ballots, all forged for Biden. Now news from Georgia reports 300,000 chain-of-custody breaks, as well as a 28 page report full of various errors and violations from the election director in charge of these tabulation efforts.

News from Arizona's audit also indicate that the Maricopa County Board of Stupidvisors shorted the auditors a possible total of 400,000 ballots. Watch what happens in the next few weeks for liberals to try to discredit the results.

None of this could have occurred without the biggest fraud of them all, as I mentioned at the top of the article, the WuHan China Virus. A manipulated coronavirus, which have always existed, to infect humans and be highly contagious. From a lab funded by Fauci and the Deep State under Trump's nose, then unleashed on purpose to give state governments a reason to institute mail-in voting, used as a cover to stuff ballot boxes in various counties. Post-election ballot dumps were even caught on camera in Detroit Michigan.

The government shut us down under false pretenses and issued socialist checks to keep people placated. Fauci dismissed masks, then mandated them. He also wanted proven medications banned in order to push a vaccine that reports now indicate was created in conjunction with the virus! All designed to control people. This is why they not only give it way for "free" (taxpayer's dime), but they are giving away prizes, or using raffles or lotteries to push it. And now people are dying or being made disabled from the shot itself. I'd say more people are dying from the vaccine than the virus. The hospitals were reporting deaths as COVID deaths even if the true cause of death was unrelated. This enabled them to get more funding. So fraud is rewarded monetarily in the Fraudulent Twenties.

It will never end either, people. Even the vaccinated are starting to wake up to the scam that was perpetrated on them. They are being told to mask up again, because even the vaccinated can still get the virus. And of course they're always going to have a new virus for you, and they'll just call it a "variant"! Courtesy of Cap'n Dunce Fauci!

They say trust "the science". Fauci says he IS the science. A guy who has taken opposite stances on various subjects can't be considered scientific. This is just an appeal to authority fallacy applied to real life.

But as we've seen, biological science doesn't matter to liberals. They think a biological male can be a real "woman". So now we have fraudulent "women" as well. Even as democrats claim to be the party of women, they work to erase womanhood. They even want to replace the word "mother" with "birthing person" because they think females who pose as men and give birth should have reality altered to avoid contradicting their delusion. Granted, this did not start in the 20s, but it has increased rapidly in the last year. So-called "scientists" and doctors who violate the Hippocratic Oath by harming people are doing so for financial gain. They know if they play along they'll get the government to fund these mutilations. They don't care about ruining lives, whether it's through the fake vaccine or fake hormone shots.

From Victor's Secret to Sport's Ill-youstrated. The liberals are getting more blatant about the fraud they're pulling off on the public.

This type of fraud is perpetuated by the fake news media, which includes Fox News. Fox was in the tank for same-sex "marriage" for years before the Supreme Cuck Kennedy mandated it. So of course they'll be on board with lying to the public about something as fundamental as human existence. There's a quote from a Sin City character named Senator Roark that I like to post from time to time that illustrates the situation perfectly.

"Power comes from lying. Lying big and gettin' the whole damn world to play along with you. Once you've got everybody agreeing with what they know in their hearts ain't true, you've got 'em by the balls."

Quite relevant to this issue, I thought.

Fakex Snooze covered up the election fraud because they wanted Trump out. They have been covertly liberal for many years, and now they are revealing it blatantly. They called Arizona for Biden even while people were still waiting in line to vote, which is illegal. They refuse to cover the Arizona audit, or if they do then it is only to be negative and act as if the audit is invalid or nefarious.

All of this plays into various rulings of the so-called "courts". They exalt "expert" testimony and studies, but who decides what studies are correct? The government funds these studies and they get the results they want. The media hypes the results they like, and lie about the results they don't like. They dismiss those studies as biased, or not peer reviewed. Well what does peer reviewed mean? It means other scientists confirming the results. So if none of them agree to review the studies, how can it ever be peer reviewed?

And when a "court" has an issue it wants to keep in place, they simply dismiss the case for "lack of standing" or refuse to hear it. The Supreme Cucks are relying on this tactic more and more. When the redefinition of marriage hit the circuit "courts", the Supreme "Court" didn't want to hear any cases overturning same-sex "marriage" rulings over various states. They wanted the circuit "courts" to do their dirty work for them. It wasn't until the Sixth Circuit Court of Appeals upheld marriage integrity (another term I coined) that the Supreme "Court" had to take it up. As they did they also heard California's Prop 8 appeal, and after suffering infiltrator sabotage from one of the Prop 8 lawyers whose relative was in a fake "marriage", the "Court" ruled against the people of California and said they have no standing to defend a law that they drafted, paid for, campaigned in favor of, voted for, and paid to defend in court when their state government shirked its duties. The Supreme "Court" now also finds that states have no standing to sue when federal law infringes on their rights, even in a case like Obamacare that was only upheld because the individual mandate was declared a "tax". A provision that no longer exists in the law.

This also happened with election integrity when the "Court" dismissed the lawsuit of half the country against the fraud states. So basically, a state can outright cheat in their own elections, and there is nothing the other states can do about it. And by extension there is nothing the citizens of that state can do about it either, as the "Courts" will rule that only the ones in power in that state have the authority to investigate themselves!

Fraudulent justice. Fraudulent history. Fraudulent science.
Fraudulent institutions. Fraudulent people.

Welcome to the Fraudulent Twenties.

Post your thoughts and comments below, as well as any examples of fraud you've spotted in your daily life or in the "news".

And remember when it comes to the truth, always... Believe it!