Wednesday, July 21, 2021

Senator Rand Paul Confronts a Very Nervous and Lying Dr. Anthony Fauci

“The more he spoke of his honor the faster we counted our spoons”…

Kentucky Senator Dr. Rand Paul confronted the Director of the U.S. National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, Dr. Anthony Fauci, about previous lies to congress when Fauci said the National Institute of Health (NIH) was not funding “gain of function” (weaponization) research in the Wuhan Laboratories.  

The Wuhan Lab is likely the originating source of SARS-CoV-2 virus commonly known as COVID-19.  Current indications are that U.S. funds helped create the virus that has now become a global pandemic killing hundreds-of-thousands.  As a consequence, Anthony Fauci is increasingly becoming the target of scrutiny for his lies, falsehoods and misleading statements as he attempts to slip away from accountability.

In this confrontation, a very nervous and guilt-ridden Fauci attempts to parse terms to avoid admitting he is the man who has killed many.  His nervous, arrogant and combative posture is on display.  WATCH:

Ego-maniacal Fauci previously proclaimed that “any attacks against him” -based on his lies, fraud, deception and manipulation- are “attacks on the very basis of science itself”.

Now that we know the Obama administration was directly involved in the creation of SARS-CoV-2 as a biological weapon that was released from the Wuhan Institute of Virology in China (an accidental or purposeful release still undetermined) {Go Deep}, we have the background to understand why the JoeBama administration has to defend Anthony Fauci.

All of the originating activity surrounding U.S. collaboration with the Wuhan Institute, the funding of the Wuhan Institute and the approvals for the Wuhan Institute to conduct “gain of function” research (weaponizing the virus), took place during the Obama administration.  Including the events on January 9, 2017, eleven days before leaving office, when President Obama’s administration lifted the funding moratorium to weaponize SARS bat viruses.

The bigger question of why the U.S. would fund, support and facilitate the creation of a biological weapon by the Chinese, is where things really get interesting.  The only reason the Pentagon (U.S. Military) would enjoin that relationship with China would be to benefit their own interests.

What interests would the U.S. military and U.S. Intelligence hold in the creation of a biological weapon in China?

What is it that they say about “means”, “motive”, and “opportunity”?

The most likely answer is the one that makes people very uncomfortable.

♦ MEANS:  The U.S. military and larger intelligence network likely used Wuhan as a cover for their own operations and intents.

If the political elements in the intelligence community, working in coordination with the U.S. military, were involved in a purposeful leak from a biological weapons facility in North Carolina – there would be a trail of evidence that could expose their activity. However, if they move that activity to Wuhan, China, the plausible deniability is much stronger.

Additionally, while the COVID targets made up a very specific demographic group most at risk of death from the Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS), it’s likely the vaccine against the SARS-CoV-2 virus was known to both the Chinese communists and U.S. intelligence community before the release.

♦ MOTIVE: The U.S. and China working together on the planned weaponization and release of the virus just makes sense.  Both nations would stand to gain the benefit from the biological release, because President Donald J Trump’s “America First” program was working against both their interests.

Stand back and look at the BIG PICTURE.  The successful global trade reset underway by the Trump administration, in combination with success in the creation of peace in both the Middle-east (Abraham Accords) and in North Korea (unification of both Koreas), was directly against the interests of the Chinese Government and U.S. military.

On top of all those motives, the global multinational corporations and banks were financially being impacted by all of President Trump’s domestic and foreign policies.

Yeah, “there are trillions at stake”!

♦ OPPORTUNITY:  No, Dr. Anthony Fauci didn’t need to know about all those background motives and agendas in order to carry out his part.  Fauci need only be some sick, twisted little man who wanted desperately to be the center of attention amid the global scientific community of his peers, and have his name adored in all the history books.

“It must be understood that what is meant by “political violence” is in fact lèse majesté.  10,000 proles can die and who in DC would miss them? But track mud on their carpet, and such an insult cannot go unanswered.” ~ Source

The COVID-19 narrative becomes a tool to achieve a variety of objectives: • The stalling of a fantastic economy that was benefiting every American voter. • Mail-in ballots that can be used and manipulated to achieve fraudulent results. • Controls over debates to avoid a weak candidate being exposed or confronted. • The deployed ‘excuse‘ for a very visible lack of voter enthusiasm for the puppet (Biden).  In short, without COVID as a tool, the manufactured election process is more difficult. The ‘never let a crisis go to waste‘ strategy includes the necessary creation of a crisis.

Carry on….