Monday, July 26, 2021

Pelosi Enlists Kinzinger For Committee to Re-elect Democrats, Cuck Thanks Pelosi For The Opportunity to “Serve” Her Needs

The insufferable Adam Kinzinger (U-DC) has been chosen by Speaker Nancy Pelosi to join Liz Cheney (U-DC) as representatives of the republican face on her January 6th Committee to re-elect democrats.  [Politico Story Here]

Just like Wyoming’s heir entitled Liz Cheney, the mini-john-mccain Kinzinger, sans testicles, is thrilled to be provided the opportunity to serve Speaker Pelosi.

Both Liz Cheney and Adam Kinzinger are likely to be destroyed in the 2022 republican primary election, so it makes sense for them to do as much damage as possible before they formally announce their party affiliation switch to Democrat; following Florida’s famous Obama hugger, Charlie Crist, and his career path.

In the interim, might I suggest it would be nice to see their local community ostracize them, refuse service to them in restaurants, stop mowing their lawns, cleaning their house, or facilitating any function of their life.  We should begin to treat these creatures -and any others of likeminded disposition- with the same disdain they exemplify toward their constituents.  Obviously it is no longer appropriate to use tar and feathers.  However, perhaps it is time to make these people uncomfortable in real life.

A smiling Adam Kinzinger released a smug statement:

The House of Representatives voted on June 30th to approve a House Select Committee to investigate the January 6th DC protest.  The vote was 222-190 [LINK] to approve House Resolution 503, with Liz Cheney and Adam Kinzinger as the two republican votes to support the Pelosi mid-term election scheme.

The January 6th House Select Committee investigation is to MAGA voters what the Mueller Investigation was to President Trump. A tool to attack political opposition and frame a narrative for the 2022 mid-term election. Nothing more.