Thursday, July 22, 2021

Once a frat boy, always a frat boy

What frat boy doesn’t dream of partying 
like Ozzy on somebody else’s dime?

You know, the first time I clapped eyes on California Congressman Eric Swalwell, I thought he looked like a slightly over-the-hill frat boy who just couldn’t let go of his freewheeling fraternity ways.

And it looks like I was onto something.

In addition to building his political career off of banging a chick who turned out to be a spy, according to reports yesterday, frat boy Swalwell also used campaign funds to party like it was Rush Week.

Booze, limos, hotels – all paid for by people who donated to his campaign.

And you know what? Not one single thing about this report surprises me.

What frat boy doesn’t dream of partying like Ozzy on somebody else’s dime?

Speaking of partying on somebody else’s dime, a recently released photo shows a shirtless Eric Swalwell riding astride a camel in Qatar.

The Qataris love sending elected officials on posh junkets. It’s one of the many ways they influence US policy. If you read David Reaboi’s book Qatar’s Shadow War as I have, you know just how insidious Qatar is when it comes to wining and dining American politicians.

That wealthy little kingdom arranging an all-expense paid junket is something a frat boy like Eric Swalwell simply could not pass up.

By the way, I reviewed Reaboi’s book HERE, if you’re interested.


Frat boy summer

I bet the last time Eric Swalwell was shirtless in public was when his fraternity brothers paddled him.

Frat boy paddling

Then again, since he can’t rid himself of his frat boy antics, Eric is probably shirtless a lot. And pantsless too.

Though I doubt he wanders around in a toga, since he is a Democrat and he doesn’t want to be accused of cultural appropriation.

You know, now that I think on it, I wonder if Eric’s on-air fart wasn’t done on a dare. That’s just the kind of thing a frat boy would do.

Last night on his show, Tucker Carlson did a segment about frat boy Eric.

Give it a watch: