Friday, July 23, 2021

Italy Joins France in COVID Vaccination Requirement to Engage in Social Life, Restaurants, Theaters, Stadiums, Gyms, Shopping

 Last week the French government announced they would require a “sanitation passport” for any French citizen who wanted to engage in almost all forms of social life like shopping, eating at restaurants, movie theaters, or events where crowds were present.  There has been some backlash and protest, but not nearly enough to stop other EU nations from following the French process.


 Today, the Italian government announced similar measures with their “green pass” to force vaccinations upon the Italian people if they wish to participate in social functions that interact with other people.

Without a green pass, Italian citizens and visitors will not be allowed to eat at restaurants, attend theaters, or events where any size crowd might be assembled.

(France24) […] The so-called Green Pass is a digital or paper certificate that shows if someone has received at least one jab, has tested negative or has recently recovered from COVID-19.



As of Aug. 6, the pass will be required to go to gyms, swimming pools, sports stadiums, museums, spas, casinos and cinemas. Eating in indoor restaurants also requires a pass.  Some 48.2% of Italians are fully inoculated and 14.1% are awaiting a second jab, according to latest data. (read more)

Italian Prime Minister Mario Draghi said, “Calls for people not to get vaccinated is a call for people to die. If you don’t vaccinate, you get sick, you die or you let other people die”, in his effort to use political and social peer pressure to gain vaccination compliance.

Stay tuned, this forced vaccination protocol is very near to happening here in the USA.  The mid-term COVID variant, also known as the Delta Variant,  is being used in order to establish the groundwork for the 2022 election cycle.

The scale of U.S. governmental push and pressure on private companies to comply is unlike anything I can remember in my lifetime.   The effort is very creepy now…. and we can anticipate that free and independent states who are not forcing a mandated vaccine will likely come under even more extreme federal pressure.