Monday, July 26, 2021

Devin Nunes Discusses Scale of Propaganda From Biden Regime

Devin Nunes appears with Fox News host Maria Bartiromo to discuss the previous six months of the Biden regime.  Representative Nunes notes how the media  is struggling to find a positive outcome from any policy, and the inability of the installed White House occupant to form coherent sentences.

An important issue for Nunes is the advancement of Chinese interests on U.S. soil and the facilitation of China’s influence by the Biden regime.   Additionally al-Qaeda is rising back up in Afghanistan, China is conducting unrestricted cyber-intrusions and the U.S. military is more concerned about wokeism than strategic defense.

On the subject of the NSA conducting surveillance of American citizens, specifically Tucker Carlson, Representative Nunes references the history of President Obama’s weaponization of the intelligence agencies and notes their behavior has not changed throughout.  The republicans on the House Intel Committee are conducting an independent investigation of the NSA.

The 2021 Gang of Eight, responsible for national intelligence oversight:  Adam Schiff, Devin Nunes, Nancy Pelosi, Kevin McCarthy, Mark Warner, Marco Rubio, Mitch McConnell and Chuck Schumer.

Seven of the Eight are demonstrably compromised by their specific participation in prior unlawful intelligence efforts (spygate, surveillance, etc.); and I’m beginning to have my doubts about Devin Nunes….