Thursday, July 1, 2021

China’s President Xi Jinping warns bullies will ‘face broken heads and bloodshed’


Article by Mark Moore in the New York Post

China’s President Xi Jinping warns bullies will ‘face broken heads and bloodshed’

​Chinese President Xi Jinping warned that any country that attempts to “bully” China will “face broken heads and bloodshed” during a defiant speech Thursday marking the 100th anniversary of the Communist Party.

“​The Chinese people will absolutely not allow any foreign force to bully, oppress or enslave us and anyone who attempts to do so will face broken heads and bloodshed in front of the iron Great Wall of the 1.4 billion Chinese people,” ​Xi said at the celebration near Tiananmen Square, filled with thousands of people waving Chinese flags and singing patriotic songs.

“Without the Communist Party, there will be no new China,” ​he said to roaring applause.

Xi delivered his speech amid rising criticism over China’s handling of the coronavirus pandemic that was first reported in Wuhan in December 2019 and human rights abuses connected to its treatment of the ethic minority Uyghurs who are held in forced labor camps in Xinjiang.

The US and other countries have also taken action against China, which has the world’s second-largest economy, for unfair trade practices and for stealing intellectual property. 

During the event, that included a military flyover, Xi predicted that China would soon have the world’s greatest ​fighting force.

“We will turn the people’s military into a world-class military, with even stronger capabilities and even more reliable means to safeguard the nation’s sovereignty, security and development interests,” he said.

Xi also pledged to complete “reunification” with democratically ruled Taiwan.

“Solving the Taiwan question and realizing the complete reunification of the motherland are the unswerving historical tasks of the Chinese Communist Party and the common aspiration of all Chinese people,” ​he said.

“All sons and daughters of China, including compatriots on both sides of the Taiwan Strait, must work together and move forward in solidarity, resolutely smashing any ‘Taiwan independence’ plots​,” Xi said. ​

Although Taiwan is self-ruled, China believes it is part of its territory and has vowed to take over the island nation as part of its “one China” policy.

But Taiwan slapped back after Xi’s speech, saying that although the Communist Party had realized “certain economic development,” China is still a dictatorship. 

“Its historical decision-making errors and persistent harmful actions have caused serious threats to regional security,” ​Taiwan’s Mainland Affairs Council said in a statement. 

“Our government’s determination to firmly defend the nation’s sovereignty and Taiwan’s democracy and freedom and to maintain peace and stability across the Taiwan Strait remains unchanged​,” it continued.


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